ultrasonic cavitation

Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?

Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?

There are two types of radiofrequency: stimulating and destructive. Safe, stimulative RF stimulates the synthesis functional collagen tissue, is provided always below the pain threshold, does not need anaesthetic cream, involves continuous movement of…

Does cavitation work on visceral fat (deep belly fat)?

Does cavitation work on visceral fat (deep belly fat)?

Visceral fat is the fat responsible for the so-called “beer belly” look. It is also the most unhealthy fat you can have, as it increases the risk if diabetes and cardiovascular disease. So it is no wonder people ask whether they can reduce visceral fat with any method. However, as we can see healthy eating, weight loss and exercise (and lately anti-diabetic injections) are the only ways to reduce visceral fat…

What is the best ultrasonic cavitation frequency for fat reduction?

What is the best ultrasonic cavitation frequency for fat reduction?

High-power ultrasound cavitation is one of the two best anti-cellulite technologies (low power doesn’t work), together with deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency. Ultrasound cavitation can be conditionally used for skin tightening too, with specific protocols…