
One leg bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? Learn why this is the case and how to even them up.

One leg bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? Learn why this is the case and how to even them up.

One thigh bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? These are very common questions at our clinic. Most of our clients have a bigger thigh and a smaller thigh, with the bigger thigh always having more cellulite too…

Cellulite vs stretch marks: differences and similarities

Cellulite vs stretch marks: differences and similarities

Cellulite and stretch marks: differences and similarities. As many women instinctively know, cellulite and stretch marks are intimately connected. There are similarities, described below, and there are differences, the main one being that cellulite also involves adipose tissue, which complicates things further…

Break down cellulite: does this phrase really mean anything?

Break down cellulite: does this phrase really mean anything?

It is a common question from clients: “Does XYZ treatment “break down” cellulite?” Of course “breaking down the cellulite” doesn’t mean anything at all. Cellulite is a multifaceted aesthetic condition, comprising four physical manifestations in different proportions: water retention/poor circulation, fat accumulation, fibrosis, skin looseness….

What cellulite treatment or cream I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 23 years in cellulite)

What cellulite treatment or cream I would choose if I had cellulite (after specialising for 23 years in cellulite)

What really works and what is a gimmick | 2024 update

At LipoTherapeia we preach what we practise. Our 100% focus is how to offer you the safest and most effective treatment possible, without cut corners or compromises. I put myself in your shoes and personally preach on this website and practise at the clinic what I would do myself if I needed skin tightening and cellulite reduction. Here is some more context into the technologies and active ingredients we use…

Deep cellulite vs superficial cellulite

Deep cellulite vs superficial cellulite

Cellulite refers to fat pockets within the skin that are attached to and/or surrounded by fibrotic (hardened) collagen strands. The fat pocket tries to bulge out of the surface of the skin, while the collagen strand pulls the adjacent skin down. The combination creates the cellulite peaks (fat pocket makes skin “pop out”) and troughs (collagen strands keep skin down).

Cellulite can appear at three depths inside the skin:

  • At the dermal level (superficial cellulite)

  • At the hypodermal level (medium cellulite; most common cellulite)

  • And at the subcutaneous fat level (deep cellulite; not true cellulite)

We will look at each of them in detail…

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

Estrogen is the most important cause of cellulite. In fact it is the basis of cellulite. Without estrogen you may get weight gain and/or skin looseness, but you won’t cellulite - and that’s why men* don’t get cellulite. Yes, in addition to estrogen you do need to consume excess calories / eat unhealthily etc, but you need estrogen to turn those excess calories into…

Fibrosis, cellulite and fibrous cellulite: what is the connection?

Fibrosis, cellulite and fibrous cellulite: what is the connection?

Fibrosis is one of the most important aspects of cellulite, together with fat accumulation, water retention, inflammation and skin laxity. Fibrosis in cellulite refers to excess accumulation and contraction of collagen in the skin ligaments (retinaculae, also known as septae) that connect skin with the fascia underneath. Fibrosis occurs at the deepest skin layer called the hypodermis…

Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?

Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?

It is a common question I am asked at the clinic: “Do men have cellulite?'“ or “Why do men not get cellulite?”. And my answer has always been that women develop cellulite because they have weaker connective tissue and larger fat cells, due to the effect of female hormones…

Pre-cellulite vs cellulite

Pre-cellulite vs cellulite

Pre-cellulite: cellulite waiting to happen. Or, how artificial living, combined with estrogen, transforms the absolutely normal pre-cellulite structure into the unhealthy cellulite structure. This is the second of our three articles regarding the nature of cellulite. The first article in the series is “What is cellulite” and the third article is “Is cellulite normal?”. On this article we are presenting cellulite anatomy in detail and also the subject of pre-cellulite.

Skin laxity vs cellulite: what is the difference?

Skin laxity vs cellulite: what is the difference?

One of the reasons that cellulite develops is the breakdown of connective tissue in the hypodermis, either due to the action of the female hormonal cycle or due to inactivity (or both). Weak connective tissue manifests as skin looseness…

Skin elasticity vs skin tightness (firmness): what are the differences?

Skin elasticity vs skin tightness (firmness): what are the differences?

Many people confuse tightness and elasticity and use these terms interchangeably to describe youthful, healthy skin. But are these two terms one and the same?

Cellulite is an inflammatory tissue, similar to visceral fat

Cellulite is an inflammatory tissue, similar to visceral fat

Of course cellulite does NOT protect from stroke and dementia (contrary to tabloid clickbait articles). Visceral fat is an inflammatory fat tissue that can cause conditions such as stroke and dementia, while subcutaneous fat is more innocuous. However, cellulite is NOT subcutaneous fat…

Cellulite vs fat vs lipedema: is it all "just fat"?

Cellulite vs fat vs lipedema: is it all "just fat"?

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is a distinct fat tissue UNDER the skin. This is the fat that can be removed by liposuction. Cellulite is a totally different thing. It is not fat under the skin, it is fat INSIDE the skin and it is, of course, found ABOVE the subcutaneous adipose tissue. As it is part of the skin, it can obviously not be removed by liposuction…

Changing room lighting and cellulite: why does cellulite look worse in different lighting and at different times?

Changing room lighting and cellulite: why does cellulite look worse in different lighting and at different times?

It is quite common to hear at the clinic stating that “I saw my legs in the changing room and I got shocked by the amount of cellulite”.

Quite often we are not aware of aesthetic issues unless we see them under - literally - a different light (by the way the same also applies to health conditions, where we postpone taking care of them until the last minute). With facial ageing we have the elevator lighting, which is most cases is directional from top and quite often fluorescent, which is the most unflattering lighting possible…

Inflammaging and cellulite

Inflammaging and cellulite

Inflammaging (ageing due to inflammation / inflammation due to ageing) is defined as an age-related increase in the levels of pro-inflammatory markers in blood and tissues. Inflammaging is a fancy recent name for an older term, "chronic, low grade inflammation", which has been used for more than two decades and it refers to both whole body ageing and skin ageing. Mild chronic inflammation is generally considered to be a biomarker of accelerated biological ageing, which can result in both health and aesthetic conditions, including skin ageing and cellulite…

Is cellulite genetic? Yes, partially, here's what research says.

Is cellulite genetic? Yes, partially, here's what research says.

Is cellulite hereditary? Two studies say yes. There are two studies (both with a control arm) that looked specifically to the influence of specific SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in our genetic code that can significantly increase your chance of cellulite.

The difference between cellulite and cellulitis

The difference between cellulite and cellulitis

Although with cellulite fat in the hypodermis is typically characterised by chronic, low grade inflammation and fibrosis (like a lot of adipose tissue does), it is not health threatening or an actual disease per se. Cellulitis, on the other hand, is a bacterial infection of the hypodermis by bacteria. It manifests as diffuse redness on the surface of the skin, it can be health threatening and it usually has to be treated by antibiotics…

Is cellulite normal? Is cellulite unhealthy?

Is cellulite normal? Is cellulite unhealthy?

This is a continuation of our two articles about the nature of cellulite: “What is cellulite” and “Pre-cellulite”. On this article we will look into whether “Cellulite is absolutely normal”, “Cellulite is beautiful”, “Cellulite is a made-up condition and it doesn’t exist” and whether you should “Love your cellulite”, as some people say…

Cellulite vs visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat: the differences

Cellulite vs visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat: the differences

Adipose (fat) tissue, i.e. what we call ‘body fat’, stores calories in the body in the form of ‘triglycerides’, which is the technical name for all fats and oils. In addition, adipose tissue also secretes hormones-like substances, called adipokines, such as resistin, adiponectin, leptin, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and even estrogen…