How our indoor lifestyle, social media obsession and comfort eating cause cellulite and skin looseness
Our Beachy Legs articles are a practical way to share our experience and knowledge in cellulite and skin tightening, from our London clinic with everyone in the world. Check all our articles here. And if you do live in London, book an assessment, consultation or treatment with us here.
How London causes cellulite: the weather
How London causes cellulite: the comfort eating
How London causes cellulite: the indoor culture
How London causes cellulite: the (anti) social media
Cellulite x London
How Western diet and lifestyle causes cellulite
Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening
How London causes cellulite: the weather
Cellulite & London: the effect of the weather
London is a great, stimulating, inspiring place. I have made London my home for the last 26 years. As a famous writer has said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”
However, London’s weather is generally moody, probably the most unpredictable weather of any large city.
Almost constant cloud cover for most of the year, even in the summer, quite often combined with drizzle, as well as cold in the winter, make everyone want to reach to those comfort foods and stay indoors.
Running is no fun in the cold and rain and fruit salads lose their appeal when you are confronted with lashing rain, cloud cover or cold.
How London causes cellulite: the comfort eating
Cellulite & London: the effect of comfort food
Overcast weather also tends to make people more fatigued, which means more caffeine and sugar to stay stimulated and alert and fatty/sugary food (chocolate anyone?) to derive comfort.
Both sugar rush and caffeine rush fight fatigue, but they also increase the waistline, create lots of fresh cellulite and, ultimately, lead to exhaustion. Which means more sugar and more caffeine.
Not to mention the alcohol (well, more on that on another article)...
How London causes cellulite: the indoor culture
Cellulite & London: the lack of outdoor culture
Furthermore, due to the weather, there is no real outdoor culture, as in other warmer cities, and many expats find themselves losing their good habits, e.g. outdoor running, hiking, climbing, cycling, swimming, tennis etc. for their respective indoor varieties, which are quite often dull and boring (there is no comparison between hiking and treadmill walking, for example).
How many people will cycle in heavy traffic or in heavy rain? How many will love the climbing wall as opposed to real rock climbing in nature? How safe can you feel running in the park on a dark winter’s night?
Many people simply give up after a while and opt for no running / cycling / swimming / tennis at all.
Weather and the consequent indoor culture is probably one of the most important causes of weight gain and cellulite in the London.
How London causes cellulite: the (anti) social media
The effect of living an artificial life indoors through a screen
In addition to the indoor culture, due to the weather, we now also have the indoor generation, due to Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Zoom, Netflix etc.
And this indoor culture is not limited to cities like London, due to the weather, but it is a worldwide phenomenon and irrespective of weather.
However, sitting on a sofa/chair and endlessly scrolling and typing, or simply watching) does not do any favours to our heart, our waistline, our skin and cellulite, in particular.
Social media and the Netflix culture (endless and quite often pointless series we feel compelled to watch) are a major cause of cellulite today.
Cellulite x London
This article is part of a series which examine the effects living in London has on health and appearance, with emphasis on the focus of this blog: skin firmness, anti-ageing and cellulite.
Of course, ‘London’ could readily be replaced by ‘New York’, ‘Rome’, ‘Paris’, or even sunnier places like ‘Mumbai’, ‘Los Angeles’ and ‘Sydney’.
How Western diet and lifestyle causes cellulite
The effect is the same: adhering to the typical Western diet, activity patterns, stress and lifestyle (which more and more people around the world do, even in developing nations), has a negative effect on overall health, and specifically on the skin.
Metabolic inflammation, oxidative damage, poor circulation, glycation are all hallmarks of this lifestyle and are directly responsible for cellulite, skin laxity, water retention and skin ageing.
Check out all our “How Western diet and lifestyle causes cellulite” articles here.
And check our 100+ tips on how to Get rid of cellulite and tighten up your skin here.
Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening
Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.