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After cellfina: advanced skin tightening and cellulite treatments in London

Reduce cellulite and tighten skin after celluerase / cellfina / subcision surgery, with LipoTherapeia

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  • Skin tightening and cellulite removal after (or instead of) subcision, cellfina or cellu-erase surgery

  • Treatment durations and prices

  • Clinic | 49 Marylebone High Street, London, W1

  • Cellulite reduction and skin tightening from day 56 after cellfina / subcision / cellu-erase cellulite surgery

  • Adverse reactions with Cellfina / subcision techniques

  • Cellulite reduction and skin tightening from day 56 after subcision-type surgery

  • Instead of cellfina / subcision / cellu-erase

  • How to reduce cellulite and tighten skin after cellfina / subcision

  • The only aesthetic practice in London specialising 100% in skin tightening & cellulite removal

  • 23-year experience in cellulite and skin tightening and 13-year experience in RF / cavitation

  • Caring, professional, boutique treatment

Skin tightening and cellulite removal after (or instead of) subcision, cellfina or cellu-erase surgery

Fell for the hype and then disappointed by your RF subcision-type cellulite surgery (cellfina, celluerase, plain subcision)? Too painful, too expensive, too ineffective?

Don’t like the downtime, the skin loosening, the adverse reactions and the paltry results?

Try a far safer (99.5%+ safety rate), PAINLESS, realistically priced and effective technology, based on naturally stimulating skin tightening and cellulite fat release - not on cutting off the skin firmness endowing skin ligaments, as with subcision.

When provided by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and high-power ultrasound cavitation are the strongest SAFE skin tightening / cellulite reduction technologies available today.

LipoTherapeia®, our unique application of these technologies, is expertly provided without compromises or cut corners, for maximum results, naturally.

In addition to cellulite reduction and tightening loose skin, LipoTherapeia® also has a beneficial effect on stretch marks, so you get a combined benefit by the use of these technologies.

Treatment durations and prices

Treatment durations for treatments after cellfina / subcision / celluerase are exactly the same as normal skin tightening/cellulite treatments. Please check current prices and availability, according to our preferred treatment duration below.

Clinic | 49 Marylebone High Street, London, W1

LipoTherapeia® treatments are only available at our clinic in Marylebone, London (49 Marylebone High Street, W1U 5HJ) - nowhere else.

Adverse reactions with Cellfina / subcision techniques

  • Like all surgery, cellfina/subcision leaves behind scars where the incisions are made

  • And sometimes it leaves behind fibrosis, hypertrophic scars and hyperpigmentation (these three can occur with all surgery, even with the best surgeon)

  • Sometimes the skin is “released” too much and peaks appear where troughs previously existed - not a good look

  • Furthermore, not all cellulite troughs are released - some remain, as they are not cut-off properly

Cellulite reduction and skin tightening from day 56 after subcision-type surgery

Yes, you read correctly, “cellulite reduction after cellulite surgery”.

The fact is that subcision-type treatments and surgery only work on a small number of bumps (15-25 bumps for cellfina / subcision), out of several dozen large, deeply-rooted cellulite bumps (deep / subcutaneous “cellulite”).

And by definition they don’t work at all for the 100s of medium-sized, medium-depth bumps (hypodermal cellulite) and small-sized, superficial bumps (dermal cellulite), as these are not "subcised”.

Celluerase / subcision / cellfina surgery can only treat something like 5% of an individual’s typical cellulite bumps. So after this type of surgery you still need cellulite reduction treatments for the 95% that remain untreated.

Furthermore, you need skin tightening. This is because celluerase/cellfina/subcision does not treat skin looseness. By definition, this surgery typically makes skin looser, as the way it works is by undercutting the connective tissue strands (skin retinaculae) that keep skin firmly attached to the underlying tissues.

So, in summary, even if subcision / cellfina successfully removes those 15-25 deep cellulite bumps (it doesn’t always improve all of them), and provided you don’t mind the scars or potentially developing any of the above reactions, you will still need cellulite reduction for the 95% remaining cellulite bumps. Plus skin tightening. 

We do offer a limited number of sessions to help break down fibrosis after cellfina, subcision or celluerase surgery. But we mainly specialise in - and can help you with - cellulite reduction and skin tightening, both from day 56 after such invasive procedures.

And this time:

  • There will be no adverse reactions, pain or downtime (99.5%+ safety record)

  • ALL the hundreds of cellulite bumps will be treated at the same time - deep, medium and superficial - not just 15-25 deep ones

  • Skin will be tightened - not loosened

  • And you will not be sold miracles: even with the strongest technologies in the world, which we use, 6-12 sessions are needed for good results, never one miracle one

Our treatments are available 8 weeks after surgery, to ensure safe and effective treatment. This is because skin is always sensitive and inflamed - quite often for several weeks - after any cosmetic surgery (despite what surgeons tell you before the operation).

So in order to offer you the best possible treatment, we provide post-surgery treatments only from day 56 after surgery - not earlier and with no exceptions.

Instead of cellfina / subcision / cellu-erase

If you are thinking of having subcision / cellfina to treat just 15-25 major bumps (with scars and loose skin in return) it may make better sense to have a course of deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency / ultrasound sessions instead and naturally treat all cellulite bumps and tighten skin at the same time.

(In extreme cases, as in very deep cellulite dents, non-surgical treatments cannot help and cellulite surgery is the best option - for those 5-10 very severe troughs. The more shallow dents will still need to be treated non-surgically with deep-acting, high-power radio frequency/ultrasound after your surgery.)

How to reduce cellulite and tighten skin after cellfina / subcision

The best SAFE technology to tighten skin after cellfina / subcision / celluerase is high-power, deep-acting radiofrequency (superficial or low power RF is a waste of time and money).

This is the technology we offer and in addition we combine it with high-power, deep-acting ultrasound cavitation, for maximum results with cellulite reduction (superficial or low power ultrasound cavitation is a sheer waste of time and money).

Despite all the claims and the hype there is no good surgery for cellulite reduction, and high-power, deep-acting radiofrequency remains the best SAFE anti-cellulite treatment available today.

This is the technology we offer and in addition we combine it with high-power, deep-acting ultrasound cavitation, for maximum results with cellulite reduction (superficial or low power ultrasound cavitation is a sheer waste of time and money).

The only aesthetic practice in London specialising 100% in skin tightening & cellulite removal

Most aesthetic clinics offer 20, 30, even 50 different treatments, from laser hair removal to fillers to chemical peels to cellulite, and thereby lose specialisation and expertise.

A jack of all trades therapist or clinic cannot possibly be experts in 20, 30 or 50 different treatments. It is physically impossible to follow the science and all the latest developments in 50, 30 or even 20 fields.

And it is impossible to be good at one aesthetic condition, if you never study and practise with focus and depth the science of that aesthetic condition.

So at LipoTherapeia we only focus 100% on cellulite reduction and skin tightening - nothing else.

We do not do botox, fillers, chemical peels, dermablading, microdermabrasion, fluffy facials, laser hair removal and the like: just cellulite reduction and skin tightening with the best ultrasound / deep tissue radiofrequency technologies in the world (no exaggeration). And we know these four subjects inside out - for your benefit.

23-year experience in cellulite and skin tightening and 13-year experience in RF / cavitation

At LipoTherapeia® we make the most out of the best technologies in the world with our advanced protocols, developed over:

  • More than a decade of study and research, based on on a deep knowledge of the Physics of radiofrequency and ultrasound and the anatomy of cellulite and connective tissue

  • 12,000+ radiofrequency/ultrasound cavitation sessions on thousands of clients with hundreds of kinds of body types, sensitivities and health/aesthetic issues

All with 99.5%+ safety and NO PAIN, no microneedling, no injections, no fillers, no extreme intensity “miracle treatments”, NO DOWNTIME, no numbing creams, no invasiveness, no surgery, no drama.

Just comfortable, safe and effective treatment that works by stimulating your skin to become tighter and smoother.

Caring, professional, boutique treatment

Treatment is always provided by an expert and is personalised, according to your specific needs, after an extensive assessment of the your type of cellulite / skin looseness.

No treatment by machine operators, no ever-changing therapists and receptionists, no armies of pushy salespeople, no hard sales.