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Why do you have to drink water after cavitation / radiofrequency treatment?

Drink lots of water always - no specific reason to drink water after an RF / cavitation / cellulite treatment

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  • “Do I have to drink lots of water after my radiofrequency/RF cellulite treatment?”

  • “After your cellulite treatment, drink lots and lots of water to flush out the toxins”

  • “Drink lots of water after an RF/cavitation treatment will flush out the fat out of your system”

  • Overall, drinking lots of water after treatment does nothing specific that drinking lots of water during the day doesn’t do

  • Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

“Do I have to drink lots of water after my radiofrequency/RF cellulite treatment?”

This is a common question at the clinic, especially given that we do not mindlessly parrot this inane advice.

No, you don’t have to drink lots of water *specifically* after treatment.

You should actually drink lots of water (2-3 litres for women and 3-4 litres for men) during the day, every single day - not only when you have a cellulite treatment, a massage or any other treatment.

Drinking lots of water throughout your life helps ward off overall body ageing and degenerative conditions - including aesthetic conditions like cellulite and skin ageing.

“After your cellulite treatment, drink lots and lots of water to flush out the toxins”

The “Drink lots of water after your treatment”, however, is the most vacuous thing heard at aesthetic clinics and beauty salons up and down the country.

There is no specific reason to do so specifically after any treatment - definitely not “to flush the toxins out of the system after treatment”. This is not how biology works.

“Drink lots of water after an RF/cavitation treatment will flush out the fat out of your system”

And of course, you don’t “flush the fat out of your system after treatment” either, regardless of how much water you drink.

Fat released due to a cavitation/radiofrequency treatment ends up into the blood circulation to be oxidised (“burned”) in muscles and organs. You don’t pee fat out of your system through your kidneys: this is yet another erroneous post-treatment claim.

Overall, drinking lots of water after treatment does nothing specific that drinking lots of water during the day doesn’t do

This is pointless advice given in the absence of any actually useful advice, such as:

These tips would actually increase treatment effectiveness and safety.

As for water, drink some water right now! Most Britons are dehydrated and dehydration does not just gradually lead to skin ageing and cellulite but also increases the risk of kidney stones, UTI infections and a lot of other health problems.

Check our professional consultancy in radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening

Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening? Attend a half-day, 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible. Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.