how to tighten skin on thighs naturally

Why do I have more cellulite than my mum?

Why do I have more cellulite than my mum?

This has been a very common question at the clinic throughout the years. Sometimes there is truth in that statement/question, while sometimes there isn’t. Let’s have a look. Most women, when they compare themselves to other women, believe that they are less good looking and that their skin blemishes, excess weight etc are really bad - when in reality they are not nearly as bad. This is in direct contrast to men, who actually typically believe that they are much better looking, slimmer, smarter, successful etc, than they really are…

How to tighten up your skin: the 7 most important things to do

How to tighten up your skin: the 7 most important things to do

Thousands of pages can be filled with information about the theory and practice of skin tightening but it all boils down to six crucial points: plenty of protein; impactful physical activity; polyphenols, carotenoids and vitamin C; deep-acting, high-power radio frequency; no crash dieting / yoyo dieting; no sugar, smoking or fried food. Now let’s examine these six points in more detail…

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Exercise and general movement do lead to tighter skin and, as mentioned above, they are absolutely essential to maintain tight skin. However, exercise and healthy nutrition act very slowly in reversing skin laxity and can only go so far in tightening skin in specific areas or throughout the body. So, indeed you can tighten your skin with exercise but usually not enough and not fast enough. Hence the need for a good, strong skin tightening treatment, for faster, more pronounced results than from just exercise…