Can you get rid of cellulite? What two decades of work on cellulite shows.
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“How to get rid of cellulite” vs “How to reduce cellulite”: what is more correct?
When can you actually get rid of cellulite, completely?
How to “reduce cellulite”
Don’t believe the hype
Check our professional consultancy in cellulite, skin tightening, ultrasound and radiofrequency
Can you get rid of cellulite? Can cellulite be permanently eliminated with a miracle procedure or surgery?
“How to get rid of cellulite” vs “How to reduce cellulite”: what is more correct?
Let’s go straight to the point.
In most cases the phrase “Get rid of cellulite” means absolutely nothing*.
This is because established cellulite causes permanent changes in the connective tissue inside the skin which cannot be completely eliminated, with any method of any kind, including surgery (especially not with surgery).
And that doesn’t just apply to advanced cellulite, such as the one in the picture, but also to quite mild cellulite, as long as it has been established for a couple of years or more.
So talking about '“cellulite reduction” or (partial) “cellulite removal” makes more sense for most women.
(* Unfortunately everyone uses the phrase “How to get rid of cellulite”, including us on our 100+ tip “How to get rid of cellulite” guide, as this is what the public looks up on Google. But at least we make it clear in the beginning of our guide and at every opportunity on this website that '“cellulite elimination” does not exist and that “cellulite reduction” is the correct term.)
Getting rid of cellulite completely
If cellulite is very recent and/or very limited, i.e. when it is in its early stages or not very well established (usually in younger women), then yes, you can “get rid of all your cellulite”.
But still you cannot get rid of cellulite forever, as many unscrupulous practitioners claim, unless you permanently change your lifestyle. If you start again overeating, being sedentary, smoking/drinking too much etc, cellulite will return.
However, if cellulite has been around for years or decades then it cannot be completely removed. So in that case you cannot get rid of cellulite with any method of any kind, contrary to marketing hype.
However, you can significantly reduce it with lifestyle change, strong treatments and concentrated creams.
How to “reduce cellulite”
The best way to reduce cellulite (albeit slowly) is to follow a healthy lifestyle based on exercise and healthy nutrition.
For faster results you can have a course of 6-12x strong anti-cellulite treatments, such as:
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency
Deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation
Or a course of 12-24x strong, cellulite-specific massage.
(Most other techniques either of not work, are not safe or both.)
And you can regularly apply a real cellulite cream, i.e. one with multiple, high-purity anti-cellulite actives in high concentrations, for 3-6 months.
This the real reality, on the ground, as opposed to “instagram reality” or “glossy magazine reality”.
Don’t believe the hype
On instagram, of course, or in shallow glossy magazine websites, you can get rid of all your cellulite, forever and with one session of a “miracle” £3,000-a-pop treatment.
Oh, the arrogance…
And, of course, according to the exact same sources of “information” you can “get rid of cellulite” by merely dry brushing your legs a little bit from time to time and remembering to “drink lots of water”.
Oh the ignorance…
The fact of the matter is that in most cases you cannot eliminate cellulite, regardless of how many billions you have in your bank account to throw at the problem.
So stop believing the manipulative treatment providers who cater for those with more money than sense, promising them miracles.
And stop believing the clueless “content writers” in glossy magazines, whose main aim to create hype in order to sell advertising - also promising miracles.
Instead, focus on “cellulite reduction” with a proper course of 5, 10, 15 sessions, always combined with healthy nutrition and exercise, as opposed to 1 “miracle” procedure.
Check our professional consultancy in cellulite, skin tightening, ultrasound and radiofrequency
If you are a therapist or clinic owner and are interested in our professional consultancy/teaching, via Zoom or at our London practice, please contact us here.