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Anti-cellulite scrubs: do they work?

Anti-cellulite scrubs: do they work?

Do cellulite scrubs work? Of course they don’t. Think about it: a scrub sloughs off the most superficial part (stratum corneum, 0.02mm deep) of your most superficial skin layer (epidermis, 0.7mm deep); cellulite, on the other hand, is fat accumulation on the deepest skin layer, the hypodermis, at 20-80mm deep. By exfoliating / scrubbing you are removing part of the stratum corneum…

Do men care about cellulite?

Do men care about cellulite?

This is a common question from my clients: “Do guys care about cellulite in women?”

Personally, I do not care much, as I know that it is a common problem. Yes, no cellulite is better, like no beer belly in a man is better, but I would not judge a woman by the amount of her cellulite, as I would not judge a man by his lack of a six-pack. And that applies to…

Matcha, green tea and cellulite

Matcha, green tea and cellulite

Matcha is a special green tea variant specially developed to contain high amounts of caffeine - and a bright green colour. Matcha is consumed as a whole leaf powder diluted in hot water, as opposed to normal green tea, which leaf extracted in hot water via a filter or a bag. Contrary to popular belief matcha tea is not healthier or superior any form than normal green tea…

How much does a cellulite treatment cost in London?

How much does a cellulite treatment cost in London?

Cellulite treatment prices in London can range for £50 per session, for a simple massage or similar treatment, to (literally) £3,000 per session, for an overpriced “you only need one session” gimmick (BTW, you never only need one - or even 2 or 3 or 4: for good long-term results with cellulite, even with the best treatment available you need a course of 6-12 sessions.) Of course, as with everything else in life, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes, so most treatments worth having (safe, fast results, long-lasting results, at a decent clinic, ideally with an experienced, professional therapist) cost somewhere between £200-£400, depending on the area treated (larger areas mean longer treatment times and therefore higher cost)…

Pilates, weight training, running and inflammation

Pilates, weight training, running and inflammation

A client asked me a few days ago if this “advice”, given to her by a complementary health practitioner, is true: “You should not do any other exercise than Pilates, otherwise you will inflame your body”. This, of course, is an absolutely preposterous statement which goes against all common sense. You can only imagine the millions of inflamed athletes - or just billions of inflamed active common people - since the dawn of humanity all the way until the 1920s, when Joseph Pilates developed a method of exercise that would not inflame the human body…

How do cellulite creams work?

How do cellulite creams work?

Spot cellulite/fat reduction: is it possible? Most women believe that cellulite creams do not “work”, and I do not blame them given the hype, exaggeration, misinformation and fake before and after after pictures regarding anything to do with cellulite (not just cellulite creams) out there. But even knowing that a cellulite cream can get absorbed, one may ask how can a cream reduce cellulite fat that lies in the dermis and hypodermis?…

How to get rid of fat cells, permanently?

How to get rid of fat cells, permanently?

Getting rid of ALL fat cells in a specific area, FOREVER? Doesn’t exist, despite what you were told. Sorry… It is understandable if a beauty therapist makes the above statement but if a cosmetic doctor does so, they are either lying or they need to open a book about adipose tissue published after the 1990s. It’s 2023 now and such ignorance is utterly unacceptable….

Does lack of sleep cause aging and cellulite?

Does lack of sleep cause aging and cellulite?

Lack of sleep itself is an indirect cause of cellulite and a direct cause of skin aging. Lack of sleep is not as important as sugar intake, calorie intake, lack of exercise, smoking/vaping, alcohol intake etc, but because it indirectly leads us to the above behaviours, it does play a role. Lack of sleep makes us feel more tired and consequently leads to increased food intake, especially sugar-containing food, smoking/vaping, alcohol intake and stimulant intake…

Hyaluronic acid: anti-aging, cellulite, weight gain, water retention and more...

Hyaluronic acid: anti-aging, cellulite, weight gain, water retention and more...

Everyone is talking about hyaluronic acid. I have been researching and formulating skin products with hyaluronic acid (HA) since 2003 and I have seen HA starting to gain wider popularity from 2010 onwards. In the last five years hyaluronic acid has become the most well-known cosmetic active ingredient. But what is hyaluronic acid, what does it do, how does it work and what is really the best type of hyaluronic acid?

Where does fat go when you lose weight?

Where does fat go when you lose weight?

When doctors, dieticians and personal trainers were answered the question "When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go?", the vast majority of them answered that fat becomes energy, faeces or muscle, with all answers being wrong, of course…

Kim Kardashian, cellulite and skims

Kim Kardashian, cellulite and skims

After years of denial Kim Kardashian came to accept her cellulite and, with her latest Skims range, to both cover it and make money from it. But is extreme compression a good idea? And what can Kim do to actually improve the health of her legs and the appearance of her cellulite? Here we give the skinny on Skims, Kim’s cellulite and actually improving skin health on the thighs and reducing cellulite - not just hiding it…

How radiofrequency works to reduce cellulite and tighten skin

How radiofrequency works to reduce cellulite and tighten skin

Radiofrequency is a technology aiming to provide deep heat INSIDE the skin, as opposed to a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared-emitting device that provides superficial heat ON the skin.

RF is used to stimulate processes in the dermis and hypodermis (second and third layers of the skin, respectively, while at the same time not overheating the epidermis (as is the case with a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared lamp.)

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo and is it permanent?

Does fibrosis always occur after lipo and is it permanent?

Fibrosis (i.e. internal scar tissue) is the result of inflammation. Not all Inflammation results in fibrosis, but quite often it does. Fibrosis after liposuction surgery can happen as a result of: Mechanical trauma, i.e. the movement of the liposuction cannula under the skin. This usually manifests as fibrous nodules (i.e. bumps / hard lumps) or occasional adhesions (skin stuck to underlying tissues and inhibiting movement / causing pain during movement). This kind of fibrosis is inadvertent…

Does walking help cellulite?

Does walking help cellulite?

Exercise is essential to prevent and reduce cellulite, independently of healthy diet. In fact, both healthy nutrition AND exercise are needed to prevent and reduce cellulite. Exercise, such as walking, does burn calories and does increase your metabolic rate, thereby burning more calories. However, it is actually easier and more effective to burn calories by dieting than by exercising. So why do we need exercise, in addition to dieting? The main reason exercise is needed, in addition to healthy eating, is because it contributes mechanical stimulation…

Do cellulite creams work? Do they even get absorbed?

Do cellulite creams work? Do they even get absorbed?

“Cellulite creams do not get absorbed, it’s the massage that you do while applying the cream that works”. Is this statement based on any knowledge of skin and skincare science? Most people are misled by ignorant so-called beauty "experts" to believe that cosmetic products do not get absorbed by the skin. This is in contrast to a huge body of scientific evidence, comprising entire textbooks and thousands of research papers written on the subjects of dermal/cutaneous and transdermal/transcutaneous absorption…

What foods cause thigh fat and cellulite on legs?

What foods cause thigh fat and cellulite on legs?

If I had to put it in just ten words I would say “anything sugary, anything fried, too many carbs, too much fat” causes cellulite, not just on legs and butt, but on the stomach, arms and waist too. And there is good justification for that statement…

One leg bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? Learn why this is the case and how to even them up.

One leg bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? Learn why this is the case and how to even them up.

One thigh bigger than the other? More cellulite on one leg? These are very common questions at our clinic. Most of our clients have a bigger thigh and a smaller thigh, with the bigger thigh always having more cellulite too…

The best cellulite treatment at home, with proper cellulite massage, a real cellulite cream and 100+ anti-cellulite tips

The best cellulite treatment at home, with proper cellulite massage, a real cellulite cream and 100+ anti-cellulite tips

Get rid of cellulite at home with our expert tips for proper cellulite self-massage; how to choose and use a good cellulite cream; and 100+ more tips on beating cellulite at home with healthy eating, the right cellulite exercise and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Fibrosis after lipo

Fibrosis after lipo

After almost all “lipo” surgery (liposuction, liposculpture, laser lipo/smart lipo, vaser lipo, bodytite, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift/BBL, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze, cellutite, profound RF etc) inflammation and oedema (water retention). Inflammation / oedema are followed by scar tissue development (known as fibrosis, adhesions or simply ‘hard lumps’) in one of more areas or widespread throughout the operated area…

Sudden increase in cellulite

Sudden increase in cellulite

Imagine the following scenario, something which I hear about all too often from my clients: you wake up one morning and suddenly realise that someone has "painted cellulite" all over your thighs, calves, arms and sometimes even stomach…