Cellulite treatment prices in London: cost vs effectiveness
LipoTherapeia: Check our advanced skin tightening, phototherapy and cellulite treatments in London, based on the best technologies in the world and on more than two decades of experience over more than 20,000 sessions
Cellulite treatment prices in London…
What is the best cellulite treatment available today?
Cellulite treatment prices in London for thighs and buttocks, stomach, non-surgical bum lift
A very expensive cellulite treatment is not necessarily effective - it may just be just that, i.e. very expensive, and not effective at all
A cheap cellulite treatment, however, is almost always ineffective
For cellulite treatments, look for effectiveness above all and then a reasonable price to match
Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the cellulite experts
Advanced, infrared / blue / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia
The Cellulite School™: Get advanced training in cellulite reduction and skin tightening
Cellulite treatment prices in London…
…can range for £50 per session, for a simple massage or similar treatment, to (literally) £3,000 per session, for an overpriced “you only need one session” gimmick.
(BTW, you never only need one - or even 2 or 3 or 4 sessions: for good long-term results with cellulite, even with the best treatment available today you need a course of 6-12 sessions.)
Of course, as with everything else in life, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes, so most treatments worth having (safe, fast results, long-lasting results, at a decent clinic, ideally with an experienced, professional therapist) cost somewhere between £200-£400, depending on the area treated (larger areas mean longer treatment times and therefore higher cost).
I’m sure you want to have the best cellulite treatment in London, so let’s discuss prices for that.
What is the best cellulite treatment available today?
The best possible cellulite technologies available today* are deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation, ideally combined with high-power LED phototherapy.
High-power LED phototherapy, although not a cellulite treatment per se, maximises the results of radiofrequency and ultrasound, if provided right after those treatments. So it is definitely worth having with RF / cavitation, if available.
As equipment for an effective treatment with these technologies isn’t cheap (ours is almost £110k with all the accessories) and as experience and knowledge matters for these kind of treatments, a reasonable price for such treatments is the £200-£400 per area mentioned above.
(* Forget about HIFU, RF microneedling, bipolar/tripolar RF, low power cavitation, acoustic wave therapy (AWT), palper-rouler massage and the like. They don’t work and some of them are unsafe too.
We tried all of them in the past two decades and we have found that in real life the only things worth offering are deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency, deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation and high-power LED phototherapy, nothing else.
And that’s why we offer those treatments. If anything better comes along we can immediately adopt it but for the moment these are the cellulite treatments worth offering to our clients - and for you worth having.)
Cellulite treatment prices in London for thighs and buttocks, stomach, non-surgical bum lift
For example, at LipoTherapeia we charge:
£275 for the ‘Outer thighs, back thighs and buttocks’ area
£275 for the ‘Front thighs, inner thighs and top of knees” area.
For the ‘Entire thighs and buttocks’ we charge £550
For the ‘Stomach’ area or for ‘Non-surgical bum lift’ our prices are £210
As courses of 6-12 sessions are essential for most people, we offer a 5 +1 free or 9 +3 free pricing.
This means that with a course of 6 (5+ 1 free) the price for ‘Outer thighs, back thighs and buttocks’ area and for “Front thighs, inner thighs and top of knees” drops to £228 per session, and for the ‘Stomach’ or ‘Non-surgical bum lift’ drops to £168 per session.
These are prices with the best equipment in the world (literally), treatment with a very experienced therapist and in a nice clinic in the centre of London.
Obviously, lower quality treatments will cost less but will be less effective too.
A very expensive cellulite treatment is not necessarily effective - it may just be just that, i.e. very expensive, and not effective at all
As mentioned above, there are clinics who charge triple that amount just because they cater mainly for a petrodollar clientele or because they promise to the naive and the gullible that if they pay 3 grand their cellulite will go in one session.
But generally speaking a quality service or product by definition cannot be cheap.
A cheap cellulite treatment, however, is almost always ineffective
Quality cellulite machines that can offer an effective AND SAFE treatment are not cheap and cannot be paid off and maintained with low prices at some corner shop - that’s the reality on the ground
Experienced therapists, who know what they are talking about and who can offer an effective AND SAFE treatment, do not work for slave labour wages
And nice clinics (we don’t even mean luxury here, just a nice, decent place to have your treatment at) are not built, managed and maintained with pennies either
So, again by definition, cheap cellulite treatments cannot be quality cellulite treatments, with obvious exceptions.
Do you remember those 85-90% so-called “social buying” offers, which were all the rage in the 2010s?
How many times did you receive an honest discount through them (meaning without an initial inflated price to be later “reduced” to 85-90%), a good quality service (meaning not a hurried, cheap treatment at a rundown clinic with low-paid labour) and good customer service?
Exactly, almost never.
For cellulite treatments, look for effectiveness above all and then a reasonable price to match
The additional problem with cellulite treatments is that most simply don’t work. It is not about having a bad steak, but still a steak, nevertheless. If it doesn’t work it is the equivalent of never having a steak at all, despite paying money for it.
So if you go for cheap you will just pay little but you will also waste that little money down the drain - which in the end is expensive.
And if you go for super-expensive, to ensure quality, you will not get that much more than a realistically priced treatment.
So look for the most effective treatment, and as long as it is offered at a pragmatic price for the quality, go for that. The most effective treatment will not be cheap but it does not need to be a rip-off either.
At our clinic we believe that we offer the best possible treatment available, with the best equipment in the world, professionalism, knowledge and care but we also keep it affordable for most professional women - not just for the super-rich.
Have a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the experts
At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.
This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.
As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.
Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.
And for even better, faster results, we now combine our RF/ultrasound treatments with high-power red/infrared light LED treatment.
Our radiofrequency/ultrasound/LED treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.
And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.
We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.
Advanced, infrared / blue / red light therapy treatments in London at LipoTherapeia
At LipoTherapeia we are passionate about phototherapy (also known as photobiomodulation/PBM, red light therapy, infrared light therapy, blue light therapy, LED light therapy etc) and we use the most powerful equipment available today (up to 200mW/cm2), for best results and treatment of large body areas.
We use specialised therapy protocols for skin rejuvenation / anti-ageing, pigmentation / post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), moderate/severe acne, skin redness, sensitive/inflamed/irritated skin, wound healing, sports injuries / musculoskeletal pain and overall wellness / well-being.
Our LED phototherapy sessions are comfortable, deeply relaxing and super-safe and are great to enhance our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments for skin tightening / cellulite reduction.
On our booking page you can book stand-alone phototherapy sessions or combine them with our other treatments, as an add-on.
Learn more or check prices and book an expert LED phototherapy treatment at our London clinic.
The Cellulite School™: Get advanced training in cellulite reduction and skin tightening
Do you want to deeply understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, LED phototherapy, cellulite and skin tightening?
Attend a half-day, 1-day, 2-day or 3-day one-to-one masterclass and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.
Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.
Learn more or check prices and book training at our London clinic or via Zoom.