Do cellulite scrubs work? Of course they don’t. Think about it: a scrub sloughs off the most superficial part (stratum corneum, 0.02mm deep) of your most superficial skin layer (epidermis, 0.7mm deep); cellulite, on the other hand, is fat accumulation on the deepest skin layer, the hypodermis, at 20-80mm deep. By exfoliating / scrubbing you are removing part of the stratum corneum…
How much does a cellulite treatment cost in London?
Cellulite treatment prices in London can range for £50 per session, for a simple massage or similar treatment, to (literally) £3,000 per session, for an overpriced “you only need one session” gimmick (BTW, you never only need one - or even 2 or 3 or 4: for good long-term results with cellulite, even with the best treatment available you need a course of 6-12 sessions.) Of course, as with everything else in life, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes, so most treatments worth having (safe, fast results, long-lasting results, at a decent clinic, ideally with an experienced, professional therapist) cost somewhere between £200-£400, depending on the area treated (larger areas mean longer treatment times and therefore higher cost)…
How radiofrequency works to reduce cellulite and tighten skin
Radiofrequency is a technology aiming to provide deep heat INSIDE the skin, as opposed to a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared-emitting device that provides superficial heat ON the skin.
RF is used to stimulate processes in the dermis and hypodermis (second and third layers of the skin, respectively, while at the same time not overheating the epidermis (as is the case with a hot shower, a hot pack or an infrared lamp.)
Does fibrosis always occur after lipo and is it permanent?
Fibrosis (i.e. internal scar tissue) is the result of inflammation. Not all Inflammation results in fibrosis, but quite often it does. Fibrosis after liposuction surgery can happen as a result of: Mechanical trauma, i.e. the movement of the liposuction cannula under the skin. This usually manifests as fibrous nodules (i.e. bumps / hard lumps) or occasional adhesions (skin stuck to underlying tissues and inhibiting movement / causing pain during movement). This kind of fibrosis is inadvertent…
Radiofrequency / cavitation lipolysis for fat reduction and weight loss: does it work?
Claims that a non-surgical treatment (be it ultrasound, radiofrequency, laser, electromagnetic waves etc) removes fat from the body completely, by first "melting the fat which is then removed from the body via the kidneys and the urine" are utterly false (pure lies, basically) and have no physiological basis...
Cavitation treatment: how often should I have it?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two best technologies for both cellulite removal and skin tightening. With a high-power setup, the optimum frequency for treatments is twice a week, with a two or three day gap between sessions. The 2-3 day gap allows for recovery between sessions, which means maximum intensity can be used during treatment (in the few cases where deep, strong treatment is provided)…
The best cellulite treatment at home, with proper cellulite massage, a real cellulite cream and 100+ anti-cellulite tips
Fibrosis after lipo
After almost all “lipo” surgery (liposuction, liposculpture, laser lipo/smart lipo, vaser lipo, bodytite, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift/BBL, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze, cellutite, profound RF etc) inflammation and oedema (water retention). Inflammation / oedema are followed by scar tissue development (known as fibrosis, adhesions or simply ‘hard lumps’) in one of more areas or widespread throughout the operated area…
Cellulite after BBL
Forskolin: a key anti-cellulite cream active
Forskolin, is the extract of the South Asian plant coleus forskohlii / plectranthus barbatus. It has been extensively researched for decades for its lipolytic action and is routinely used in lab experiments when it is needed to stimulate lipolysis in fat cells. (Lipolysis refers to fat release from fat cells, leading to fat cell size reduction and, if sustained, eventual fat cell death.) However, due to its high cost (10x more than the highest quality caffeine) it is rarely used in anti-cellulite creams - although it is way more important than caffeine in this regard…
Cellulite treatment results
It is quite natural to be excited about seeing results from your aesthetic treatment, be it an anti-ageing procedure, a cellulite removal treatment etc. And living in a fast paced world, where instant gratification is considered the norm, people want to see results from anything they undertake as soon as possible - ideally yesterday. But let’s see how realistic such expectations are and what to expect from your cellulite treatment, really…
Does exfoliating and hydrating help with cellulite?
Exfoliating and/or moisturising your skin would not make the tiniest difference to your cellulite. Exfoliation / hydration work on your epidermis, i.e. the top 0.1mm of your skin. Cellulite is located in the hypodermis, i.e. the deepest 2-8mm of your skin and 20-80 times deeper than the width of your epidermis. There is absolutely no connection…
Cavitation / radiofrequency for cellulite at home: does it work?
The truth is that quite often even professional RF treatments do not offer any significant benefits, simply because they are provided with the wrong equipment, usually cheap chinese low-power, bipolar machines, which are too superficial, too weak and, quite frankly, not very safe or sturdy to use in a professional setup. Home-use radio frequency equipment is even worse than cheap professional equipment, as it is even lower spec…
Does exercise tighten loose skin?
Exercise and everyday physical activity are essential for skin firmness, together with a healthy nutrition, rich in protein and polyphenols. Exercise and physical activity offers our fibroblasts (collagen- and elastin-producing cells) the necessary mechanical stimulation they need to keep producing collagen and elastin. Collagen gives skin firmness, while elastin offers elasticity, leading to firm, elastic, healthy, good looking skin.
Why we do not offer Morpheus8 at our London clinic
Radiofrequency microneedling has become extremely popular the last few years, for both skin tightening and cellulite removal - and even for fibrosis reduction after lipo. We have tried RF microneedling around 2014, way before it became popular around 2019 - and all the rage around 2022 with Morpheus8 - and found it lacking, both in terms of effectiveness and especially safety. The best way to understand the reasoning for us not offering Morpheus8 is real world evidence, consisting of feedback and reviews from real people in the real world, as opposed to the virtual reality of instagram and tiktok. Real world reviews show an average of…
Infrared light therapy for achilles tendinopathy
The most common treatment regime for achilles tendon injury involves eccentric exercises to effect fibre remodelling. However, low level light therapy (LED or laser), usually in the infrared range for improved penetration, is also used for soft tissue / sports injuries, such as tendinopathies, always in combination with exercise. The randomized controlled trial listed below investigated the clinical effectiveness of an eccentric exercise regime for achilles tendinopathy and evaluated the additional benefits of photobiomodulation (low level light therapy, LLLT) as an adjunct treatment. The study challenged the necessity of the intensive Alfredson protocol…
Can you overdo it with LED therapy?
LED light therapy, also known as low level light therapy (LLLT), is rightly acknowledged as a very, very safe type of treatment, with minimal and rare adverse reactions. Indeed, treatment with LED light can only go wrong if provided in a very, very stupid way. This is usually the case when extremely high intensity, extremely long treatment times or a combination of both is utilised. Luckily, most home and even professional devices on the market are not strong enough for this to easily occur but it is still possible…
Cavitation ultrasound for cellulite vs physiotherapy ultrasound
Yes, there are usually considerable differences. Physiotherapy ultrasound is usually of 1MHz (and sometimes 3MHz) frequency and of maximum power of around 10 Watts. Quite often it is used at a fraction of this maximum power, usually anything between 1 Watt and 5 Watts. This is because physiotherapy ultrasound is meant to stimulate and it is also used in a very small area, hence the low powers. Sometimes, low frequency ultrasound (300kHz) is used in physiotherapy but at very, very low powers (0.5-1 Watt). Some machines used in beauty, for cellulite reduction or other purposes, can also be of…
Why do I still have cellulite after liposuction?
I have recently had liposuction and still have cellulite - how it this possible? It is possible simply because liposuction does not remove cellulite (hypodermal fat), it removes fat (subcutaneous fat), as it is actually supposed to do. Cellulite is superficial fat which is enmeshed into your skin and thereby it cannot be removed surgically (unless you want your skin to be removed). Liposuction, on the other hand, removes deeper fat (subcutaneous adipose tissue) which is located UNDER your skin and UNDER the cellulite layer (hypodermal adipose tissue). These are two different types of fat and two different depths…
Is it fat or cellulite that I have on my thighs?
This is a very common question at the clinic, as most people are misinformed about what cellulite is. Cellulite is hypodermal adipose tissue, i.e. fat within the deepest skin layer (hypodermis). Fat is subcutaneous adipose tissue, i.e. fat under the deepest skin layer (hypodermis). But how can we differentiate between cellulite and fat in our own body It’s simple. At the clinic we offer the following simple way to help clients differentiate between fat and cellulite…