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red wine

Does wine cause cellulite? Polyphenols vs alcohol.

Does wine cause cellulite? Polyphenols vs alcohol.

Like dark chocolate, red wine is considered good for your blood vessels and overall health, due to the amounts of polyphenols and also resveratrol / pterostilbene they contain. Polyphenols are indeed very important for overall health and especially good for blood vessels and the skin - and consequently for cellulite prevention and firm skin…

Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health

Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health

Dark chocolate is healthy, right? Dark chocolate has a reputation of being “healthy”, especially for the heart, and especially in relation to milk chocolate and white chocolate. Many of the clients that present at our clinic say that they consume dark chocolate regularly, since apparently it is “healthy” and it won’t affect cellulite. But does the hype stand to scrutiny? Here we present all the aspects of dark chocolate in relation to health and appearance…