Forskolin, is the extract of the South Asian plant coleus forskohlii / plectranthus barbatus. It has been extensively researched for decades for its lipolytic action and is routinely used in lab experiments when it is needed to stimulate lipolysis in fat cells. (Lipolysis refers to fat release from fat cells, leading to fat cell size reduction and, if sustained, eventual fat cell death.) However, due to its high cost (10x more than the highest quality caffeine) it is rarely used in anti-cellulite creams - although it is way more important than caffeine in this regard…
Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams
Do fizzy / soda drinks cause cellulite? The roles of carbonation, caffeine, sugar, sweeteners and BPA lining in drink cans
Fizzy drinks have been implicated as one of the main causes of cellulite. However, not all fizzy drinks are the same. Different fizzy drink ingredients have a different effect on cellulite: some are detrimental to the health and appearance of your thighs and butt, whilst a small minority are absolutely harmless, all depending on their ingredients found in them.
Coffee, lipolysis, fat loss and cellulite: facts vs myths
All you ever wanted to know about caffeine, weight loss, fat reduction and cellulite. If caffeine is lipolytic, why doesn't coffee help me lose weight? How do caffeine creams help with local fat loss and cellulite? Why does caffeine cause cellulite? Get the facts, not the hype with our detailed guide based on science.
What exactly is an anti-cellulite cream?
So this is what makes a cellulite cream: a fast absorbable cream formulation with - ideally a high concentration of) anti-cellulite active ingredients in it. It’s as simple as that. Without anti-cellulite active ingredients - or with very little in the way of active ingredients - we are talking about a simple body moisturiser. I am sorry to break it to you, but 99% of the so-called cellulite creams on the market are exactly that, basically a body moisturiser…
Guarana and cellulite
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a South American plant whose seeds, the side of coffee beans, contain caffeine. The concentration of caffeine is twice that of coffee beans. Drinks made with the seeds are popular in Brazil. Many commercial “energy drinks” contain guarana. These drinks are no different to drinks containing caffeine from. coffee beans…
Lipolysis and cellulite
The most important aspect of cellulite is fat accumulation in the hypodermis (deepest skin layer). Everything else (water retention, skin laxity, fibrosis etc) is also important, but secondary. Consequently hypodermal fat reduction is the most important step in reducing cellulite. The process by which fat is broken down in fat cells for subsequent release into the bloodstream is called lipolysis…
To beat cellulite, learn to love decaf (tea, coffee or green tea)
Drinks, such as coffee, tea and green tea provide skin, blood vessels, adipose tissue the entire body with precious cellulite-fighting polyphenols. Among other polyphenols: green tea contains catechins, such as EGCG (EpiGalloCatechin Gallate); black tea contains theflavins; and coffee contains chlorogenic acid…
Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health
Dark chocolate is healthy, right? Dark chocolate has a reputation of being “healthy”, especially for the heart, and especially in relation to milk chocolate and white chocolate. Many of the clients that present at our clinic say that they consume dark chocolate regularly, since apparently it is “healthy” and it won’t affect cellulite. But does the hype stand to scrutiny? Here we present all the aspects of dark chocolate in relation to health and appearance…
Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?
The four main visual aspects of cellulite are hypodermal fat accumulation, water retention/puffiness, skin looseness and fibrosis. Hypodermal fat accumulation combined with fibrosis is what makes fat globules protrude from the skin surface. Fat pushes up and fibrotic collagen fibres push down, resulting in the mattress effect. Water retention makes cellulite more visible by increasing volume in the hypodermis and dermis. Likewise, loose skin makes it easier for the fat globules to push up…
Caffeine, thermogenesis, weight loss and cellulite
A study has recently reported that coffee could help you lose fat by kickstarting a process called thermogenesis in humans. Thermogenesis is basically the process of burning fat in one of two special types of fat tissue called ‘brown fat’ and ‘beige fat’. But what is brown fat and what in God’s name is beige fat? And did you know that there is also a thing called white fat?
Cellulite, thermogenesis and brown fat
Have you ever heard of white fat, beige fat or brown fat? I know it may sound weird, but indeed fat comes in three colours and each of them is different. White fat tissue is known to store fat, making you, well, fat. Could you lose that fat, as well as cellulite, by turning your white fat tissue a few shades darker, i.e turning it into "beige fat" or perhaps even “brown fat”?