Can I have infrared / red light therapy treatment with makeup on?

Can I have infrared / red light therapy treatment with makeup on?

Red and infrared light therapy (phototherapy) is very popular as an anti-ageing facial treatment, as it is generally very safe and instantly effective. The general rule is that makeup must be removed before phototherapy treatment. This is because makeup quite often contains ingredients which aim to reflect light back from the face, in order to create an effect of “radiance” and light on the skin. However, if they have a treatment during lunchtime, many women find it a hassle to remove...

How does infrared / red light therapy work?

How does infrared / red light therapy work?

Energy in every single cell of the human body is produced in specialised cell compartments called mitochondria. Mitochondria is where oxygen is utilised to produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. If mitochondria malfunction then the whole cell malfunctions and underperforms. On the skin, this can lead to aesthetic problems (dull, irritated, inflamed or unhealthy skin). In other organs and tissues this can lead to a poorer state of health, lower energy levels, slower recovery from injuries etc…