When to use ultrasound and when radiofrequency for cellulite reduction

Ultrasound vs radiofrequency for cellulite reduction | THe Pro Series

‘The Pro Series‘ present different aspects of our advanced professional training and consultancy courses, available via Zoom or at our aesthetic practice in London. If you are a professional, learn more about our training courses here. Just came to this page looking for cellulite / skin tightening treatment? Book a treatment at our London practice here.

  • What is best to use for cellulite, ultrasound or radiofrequency?

  • When should I use radiofrequency and when ultrasound for cellulite reduction

What is best to use for cellulite, ultrasound or radiofrequency?

When practised with top equipment and by a well-trained practitioner, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the best SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening.

Cavitation and RF are sometimes used together (in varying proportions when it comes to treatment time and treatment intensity) and sometimes individually, depending on the client’s needs.

In some people, RF and ultrasound can have opposing effects, so their combined use is not such a great idea and the client should be treated just with one technology. And sometimes it makes sense to use these technologies together - usually ultrasound first and RF afterwards.

Everyone is different, so no copy-paste protocol apples to two different individuals. The factors that determine if we should use ultrasound vs radiofrequency are:

  • Hypodermal adipose tissue levels

  • Subcutaneous adipose tissue levels

  • Level of skin laxity

  • Level of cellulite fibrosis

  • Absence or presence of poor circulation / water retention

  • Rate of temperature increase during RF and/or cavitation treatment

  • Size of area to be treated

  • Individual client sensitivities

  • Client’s goals and priorities

  • Number of treatments to be given

When should I use radiofrequency and when should I use ultrasound for cellulite reduction

As we can see from above, it is easy to get it wrong and give the client the wrong treatment, which will mean suboptimal and/or slow results.

By knowing how ultrasound and RF work on different tissues and their strengths and limitations we can give our clients the best possible treatment and also the best possible value for money.

Unfortunately this knowledge is not publicly available, with a lot of misinformation and urban myths surrounding the subjects of cellulite reduction, skin tightening, radiofrequency and ultrasound.

Now you can get instant access to all the expertise that you need and save yourself literally thousands of $$$/£££ of expensive mistakes and thousands of hours of study, research and practical application by attending one of our 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / training courses.

Understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening deeply and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.

Georgios Tzenichristos,