Fibrosis (i.e. internal scar tissue) is the result of inflammation. Not all Inflammation results in fibrosis, but quite often it does. Fibrosis after liposuction surgery can happen as a result of: Mechanical trauma, i.e. the movement of the liposuction cannula under the skin. This usually manifests as fibrous nodules (i.e. bumps / hard lumps) or occasional adhesions (skin stuck to underlying tissues and inhibiting movement / causing pain during movement). This kind of fibrosis is inadvertent…
Fibrosis after lipo
After almost all “lipo” surgery (liposuction, liposculpture, laser lipo/smart lipo, vaser lipo, bodytite, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift/BBL, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze, cellutite, profound RF etc) inflammation and oedema (water retention). Inflammation / oedema are followed by scar tissue development (known as fibrosis, adhesions or simply ‘hard lumps’) in one of more areas or widespread throughout the operated area…