Book an expert cellulite treatment in London

Tried RF microneedling for cellulite? Didn’t work? Perhaps you should try a safer, less hyped-up, more effective treatment.

RF microneedling vs deep tissue radiofrequency

  • RF microneedling for cellulite / skin tightening didn’t work? Got burned, literally?

  • RF microneedling: the juice is not worth the squeeze

  • RF microneedling vs deep, strong, responsibly applied radiofrequency - without any needles

  • Why puncture the skin to go to 3-8mm skin depth with RF microneedling, when…

  • Why burn the skin at 60-90ºC, when you can achieve better results and SAFELY?

  • Why take an hour to treat two A4-sized body areas when you can achieve betterresults in less time, at less cost and SAFELY?

  • Anything above 1% adverse reactions is too much

  • Continuous RF microneedling sessions are unsustainable

  • If you have found RF microneedling to be unsafe or ineffective…

  • Book a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the specialists

RF microneedling for cellulite / skin tightening didn’t work? Got burned, literally?

We specialise in cellulite for the last 23 years and over the years we have seen a lot of gimmicky treatments come and go.

Also, in cellulite reduction and skin tightening there are fashions: treatments go in and out of fashion, not because the previous, tried and tested technology does not work anymore, but because equipment and cream manufacturers try to sell their latest gimmicks.

Plus the last few years there is the generalised perception by the public that if a procedure is very painful, very medicalised, very unsafe, very hyped up, very “instant”, very expensive or all the above, the rewards of taking the risk with such a procedure will be higher and cellulite or skin looseness will apparently disappear “forever”.

However, there is no forever in this universe, let alone the human body.

RF microneedling fits all the above requirements and people flock to have it for both body and face. Hence all the horror stories in the media lately, including the latest RF microneedling disaster story here (as far as RF microneedling disasters go, this is a light one.)

We have tried hands-on and researched RF microneedling back in 2015, way before the hype broke in 2020s, and when almost no-one knew of it.

And we found that this procedure, that penetrates the skin with multiple needles and then deliberately burns it at 65-90º C, to be highly unsafe (too much pain, too much downtime, too many things can go wrong), and too ineffective too, for all the dangers, the downtime and the suffering.

And we were proven right and refuse to adopt this technology. This is despite the fact that with RF microneedling clinics can charge 2x or 3x more for the same length of treatment time.

But money is not everything…

RF microneedling: the juice is not worth the squeeze

Click here to see what happens when you try to force change in 1-4 sessions with RF microneedling (29% of the reviewers, i.e. one in three, suffer this fate). More examples here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Many of the examples here are for face, but RF microneedling works the same on face and body, with the only difference being that on the body you can hide the burns, bumps and scars more easily.

This is not how the body works, how beauty treatments should work and how medical treatments should work either: first, do no harm.

Unfortunately, in aesthetic medicine this part of the Hippocratic Oath is all but forgotten.

Away from the virtual reality of marketing hype, the real reality is that even with the best possible technology in the world, cellulite reduction and skin tightening require an average of 6-12 deep-acting, strong (but never painful) treatments, for good, long-term results, produced naturally by stimulating the connective and adipose tissues, rather than burning them.

RF microneedling vs deep, strong, responsibly applied radiofrequency - without any needles

Why suffer the consequences of RF microneedling when you can have all the benefits - and more - without the needles and without burning your skin at 60-90ºC?

At our clinic we aim to offer maximum effectiveness and maximum safety, and that’s why we did not get swayed by the gimmick of RF microneedling. Instead we did our best to increase effectiveness and efficiency by investing in the best radiofrequency and ultrasound equipment in the world and by incessantly researching and improving our treatment protocols. And the results speak for themselves.

Why puncture the skin to go to 3-8mm skin depth with RF microneedling…

…with all the bleeding, injury and adverse reactions this entails, in order to treat cellulite (which is indeed located at such skin depths)?

At the clinic we daily do exactly the same safely and more effectively with good radiofrequency and ultrasound equipment and smart treatment protocols. In fact, we can now focus our technique to go to depths of 2-20mm with accuracy and 99.8% safety.

Why burn the skin with hot needles? No reason.

Why burn the skin at 60-90ºC…

…and taking enormous risks with burns, inflammation, deep fibrosis, scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, for results (that don’t usually materialise, anyway) in 1-4 very expensive, very painful sessions and SEVERE, LONG-LASTING, adverse reactions with RF microneedling and high-power HIFU* in 34% and 39% of the cases, respectively?

(* Low-power HIFU, as practised at salons up and down the country is usually safe but achieves absolutely nothing.)

At the clinic we offer better results, every single day, in 6-12 super-safe, comfortable sessions and less than 0.2% MILD, TEMPORARY irritation with strong, deep tissue radiofrequency and strong, deep tissue ultrasound, and high-power phototherapy, safely.

Why LITERALLY BURN the inside of your skin with HOT NEEDLES or hot concentrated ultrasound? No rational reason.

Why take an hour to treat two A4-sized body areas with RF microneedling or high-power HIFU…

… (i.e. treat 1/6 of the thighs and buttocks) and thereby charge the client 6x more to treat the whole thighs and buttocks?

At the clinic we daily treat the entire thighs and buttocks at almost the same time (70 minutes) with strong, deep tissue radiofrequency and ultrasound - much more effectively and way more SAFELY.

Why burn the skin with hot needles or concentrated hot ultrasound? No rational reason.

Anything above 1% adverse reactions is too much

We do not say here that RF microneedling never works or that it always causes skin damage. We say that the juice is not worth the squeeze, i.e. that the risks, the pain, the suffering and the very high costs far outweigh the rewards.

And we don’t believe in any treatment that can cause more than 1% adverse reactions, especially severe adverse reactions. Levels of 10% or 20% reactions, even mild, are a total no-no for us.

And severe reactions, even at 1%, are unthinkable for us. This is because nobody wants to belong to that 1% that costs them thousands of pounds and years of visiting consultants and professors in Harley Street to repair.

That’s also why we do not do cryolipolysis, with its 1:1,800 risk of disfigurement (check the Linda Evangelista’s experience and other reactions). You do not want to be one of those 1:1,800 cases.

Continuous RF microneedling (or HIFU) sessions are unsustainable

There are four more problems with RF microneedling and HIFU:

  • You cannot realistically get rid of cellulite or skin looseness with 1-4 sessions. It ain’t gonna happen, no matter what they tell you at the clinic.

  • There is no permanent cure for cellulite or skin laxity

  • The more you do an unsafe procedure, the more your luck runs out

  • The more you puncture your skin, to “rejuvenate it”, the closer you move to permanent sensitivity

These four things combined mean that to effectively reduce cellulite and tighten skin you will need 6-12 sessions the first time and top-ups in the months / years later for maintenance. However, the more RF microneedling sessions you have, the more you increase your chances of adverse reactions and/or permanent sensitivity. In simple terms, bt repeating an inherently unsafe treatment you luck will eventually run out. Simple.

Compare that to responsibly applied RF or ultrasound, where you can have as many sessions as you want for years with zero adverse reactions, if applied skilfully and responsibly.

At the clinic we have clients who have had monthly maintenance treatments for 7-8 years, with zero reactions, ever.

If you have found RF microneedling to be unsafe or ineffective…

…find 3-4 good clinics in our area, do your due diligence, talk to them, even have one treatment with some of them to assess if they are customer-focused (i.e. not just money focused) and if they know what they are talking about. And then have a safe and effective RF/cavitation treatment with the best one.

If you have scarring, fibrosis or other similar adverse reaction after RF microneedling you will have to wait for 8 weeks after your last RF microneedling session before you have any other treatment, except massage.

If you still have inflammation after 8 weeks you will need to wait until all inflammation is eliminated.

Book a skin tightening/cellulite treatment in London with the specialists

At LipoTherapeia we have specialised 100% in skin tightening and cellulite reduction for more than two decades and 20,000+ sessions.

This is all we study and practise every day and have researched and tried hands-on all the important skin tightening equipment and their manufacturers.

As strong, deep acting radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the technologies of choice for skin tightening and cellulite reduction, we have invested in the best RF/ultrasound technologies in the world.

Furthermore, over the last two decades we have developed advanced RF and cavitation treatment protocols in order to make the most of our technologies, for maximum results, naturally and safely.

Our radiofrequency/ultrasound treatments are comfortable, pain-free, downtime-free, injection-free, microneedling-free, 99.5%+ safe and always non-invasive.

And our focus is on honest, realistic, science-based treatment, combined with caring, professional service, with a smile.

We will be pleased to see you, assess your cellulite, skin laxity or fibrosis, listen to your story, discuss your case and offer you the best possible treatment.

Learn more or check prices and book an expert treatment at our London clinic (49 Marylebone High Street, W1)