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How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite

Learn The Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) and Radiofrequency Saturation Point (RSP) principles | The Pro Series

‘The Pro Series‘ present different aspects of our advanced professional training and consultancy courses, available via Zoom or at our aesthetic practice in London. If you are a professional, learn more about our training courses here. Just came to this page looking for cellulite / skin tightening treatment? Book a treatment at our London practice here.

  • What are Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) and Radiofrequency Saturation Point (RSP)?

  • Learn how to use the USP and RSP principles for safe, effective cellulite / skin tightening treatments

What are Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) and Radiofrequency Saturation Point (RSP)?

Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU).

  • Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin

  • Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply

Generally speaking, deeper, stronger treatment is better, but you still want to remain no deeper than the hypodermis level and you do not want to make treatment too strong to cause adverse reactions.

Of course, with low-end machines there is no risk of taking the treatment too deep or too strong, as those machines are usually just too superficial and always of quite low power.

But with a high-end machine you have the opportunity to offer both a focused, deep treatment where it counts (on the hypodermis and dermis) and also with a high RF / ultrasound power for better and faster results.

However, you do not want to make treatment so strong that it becomes LESS effective than a bit lighter treatment.

Yes, it is possible to undermine the effectiveness of your treatment by making it to strong than it has to be. And of course, you can make the treatment unsafe if it is too strong for your client.

How do you find if treatment is too strong and therefore less effective than lighter treatment? And how do you find if treatment is too strong to be safe?

We teach all that during our RF / ultrasound training course and one of the principles you will be taught are the Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) and Radiofrequency Saturation Point (RSP).

Learn how to use the USP and RSP principles for safe, effective cellulite / skin tightening treatments

In the last two decades we have provided 12,000+ radiofrequency and cavitation treatments on thousands of clients, always with a lot of thought, research and analysis going together with practical application.

The outcome of this research are the Ultrasound Saturation Point and Radiofrequency Saturation Point.

We have found, for example, that if ultrasound cavitation treatment (for cellulite reduction) is too much for a given client, results may be less pronounced than if we provide LESS treatment. This may sound counter-productive but if we consider the anatomy of cellulite we can see that sometimes less is more. This means that more but lighter treatments are better than a few overly strong treatments.

The Ultrasound Saturation Point / USP for treatment with a given machine and settings is different for each client, for each body area and even varies from session to session, so I devised a simple yet accurate method to ensure that treatment is just right: not too strong to undermine effectiveness and definitely not that strong to cause adverse reactions.

On the other hand, if radiofrequency treatment (for cellulite reduction or skin tightening) is too strong, usually treatment does get more effective but also it becomes borderline or outright unsafe. So, again, we use the Radiofrequency Saturation Point / RSP to ensure that treatment is just right. Again, the RSP depends on the machine, settings, client individuality, body area and even treatment day. This, again, ensures maximum effectiveness and maximum safety.

Of course, there is no 100% safety or effectiveness guarantee with any given treatment, as people who receive ANY treatment (medical, aesthetic, complementary) are biological systems and biological systems are unpredictable can never be guaranteed 100% safe or effective.

Sometimes offering a stronger treatment than USP and RSP dictate will still work and offer better treatments for a small minority of people. However, we don’t know which are these people and which people are going to have a less effective or an unsafe treatment as a result of ‘going too strong’. So sticking to the USP and RSP principles ensures the maximum general efficacy and safety for the vast majority of clients.

The idea is to offer the best possible treatment, according to anatomy, physiology, physics and experience. And this is what we do at LipoTherapeia.

Now you can get instant access to this expertise and save yourself literally thousands of $$$/£££ of expensive mistakes and thousands of hours of study, research and practical application by attending one of our 1-day or 2-day or 3-day professional consultancy / training courses.

Understand radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, cellulite and skin tightening deeply and confidently offer your clients the safest, strongest and most effective treatment possible.

Service available via Zoom or at our central London practice.

Georgios Tzenichristos,