Soft cellulite is the everyday term that people use to describe cellulite which is accompanied by skin looseness. This is the most common type of cellulite and is usually accompanied by water retention too, as the causes of water retention, cellulite and skin looseness overlap…
How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…
What is the difference between physio ultrasound and cavitation ultrasound used for cellulite?
Yes, there are usually considerable differences. Physiotherapy ultrasound is usually of 1MHz (and sometimes 3MHz) frequency and of maximum power of around 10 Watts. Quite often it is used at a fraction of this maximum power, usually anything between 1 Watt and 5 Watts. This is because physiotherapy ultrasound is meant to stimulate and it is also used in a very small area, hence the low powers. Sometimes, low frequency ultrasound (300kHz) is used in physiotherapy but at very, very low powers (0.5-1 Watt). Some machines used in beauty, for cellulite reduction or other purposes, can also be of…
Red meat, skin looseness and cellulite
In the last half a century we all grew up being brainwashed: by the sugar/carbohydrate brigade to believe that red meat - and in general anything with protein in it - is bad for you due to saturated fat content; and by some unexplained hatred of certain “nutritionists” and “naturopaths” against protein because apparently “you don’t need much protein” or because protein stops your body from being “alkaline”. These are the same people who advocate to also abandon dairy products and expect the population to get all its calcium from anchovies and kale. As a result cellulite, skin laxity - and also anaemia - have shot up, especially among women, who tend to be more health conscious…
Cupping for cellulite: does it work?
“Does cupping work for cellulite?” This is a common question we are asked at the clinic and on this article I am going to explain how effective cupping is for cellulite, according to both science and my own practical experience (I have practised different types of cupping treatments for cellulite reduction already a good 20 years ago)…
Does RF cause pigmentation?
Pigmentation occurs either as a result of UV exposure (sun, sunbed) or as a result of inflammation (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation). Treatments such as laser, radiofrequency, infrared, ultrasound, plasma skin resurfacing, radiofrequency microneedling, HIFU etc can only cause hyperpigmentation as a result of inflammation. When a treatment, such as the above, is delivered at extreme intensity, either by mistake or by design, the epidermis is burned, damaged or irritated, leading to inflammation, which quite often results in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation…
Are radiofrequency / ultrasound safe for dark / black skin?
Unlike lasers, which work by heating melanin or other chromophores (light absorbing chemicals or structures inside the skin), radiofrequency works with electricity and ultrasound works mechanically, with sound.. The electrical properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned or dark skinned people, so skin colour plays no role in radiofrequency treatment (RF is basically high frequency electrical currents). In much the same way, the mechanical (acoustic) properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned…
Pre-cellulite vs cellulite
Pre-cellulite: cellulite waiting to happen. Or, how artificial living, combined with estrogen, transforms the absolutely normal pre-cellulite structure into the unhealthy cellulite structure. This is the second of our three articles regarding the nature of cellulite. The first article in the series is “What is cellulite” and the third article is “Is cellulite normal?”. On this article we are presenting cellulite anatomy in detail and also the subject of pre-cellulite.
Collagenase injections for cellulite: the delusion is over
These medicalised beauty procedures have quite often led to an artificial or even deformed look on the face or the body; quite a lot of adverse reactions; and in the end little actual benefit. A good example of this trend for instant results via the unnecessary and irrational butchering of internal tissues, are collagenase injections to literally dissolve down the excess collagen found in cellulite. This is achieved with a collagen-dissolving enzyme found in an injectable called “collagenase clostridium histolyticum-aaes”…
The best skin tightening options for mild, medium and severe skin looseness
There is a lot of misinformation and hype when it come to skin tightening. Especially for more severe skin looseness things are even more complicated, as there is the dilemma between surgery and non-surgical skin tightening and the inadvertent marketing hype, misleading claims and truth concealing for the pursuit of unethical profit. Here we examine this issue in detail based on science and 20 years of experience and present the best options for each case...