Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in some cereal grains, such as wheat (including spelt), barley, rye, and some types of oats. Typical foods that contain gluten are: bread, pasta, beer, pastries and cakes, hidden sources of gluten in processed foods etc. Gluten makes up 80% of the protein in wheat. Since bread contains 9% protein, about 7.2% of bread is gluten…
Cellulite vs visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat: the differences
Adipose (fat) tissue, i.e. what we call ‘body fat’, stores calories in the body in the form of ‘triglycerides’, which is the technical name for all fats and oils. In addition, adipose tissue also secretes hormones-like substances, called adipokines, such as resistin, adiponectin, leptin, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and even estrogen…
Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?
In the instant gratification world we live today in the West, where everything is instant and miraculous if you have money to pay for it, it seems that many people are obsessed in magically “breaking down” fat “forever”. And breaking down means zapping fat with a laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency device or mechanically breaking it with a therapist’s fingers or with a suction / vibration / shockwave machine, with the fat then evaporating into thin air forever so one can eat as much as much as they want from then on, without putting on any more fat or cellulite on their thighs, stomach etc.