Imagine the following scenario, something which I hear about all too often from my clients: you wake up one morning and suddenly realise that someone has "painted cellulite" all over your thighs, calves, arms and sometimes even stomach…
What causes cellulite?
Misinformation abounds about cellulite and its causes could not be an exception. Caffeine and fizz in drinks are widely - and erroneously - thought to be major causes, while, for example, no one speaks about the contraceptive pill - a major cause of cellulite. Below we list the 19 top causes of cellulite…
Stress, cortisol, skin aging and cellulite
Stress, per se, is not a direct or a major cause of skin ageing and, especially, cellulite. There are much more important factors, such as sugar intake, calorie intake, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol intake etc. However, stress indirectly can indeed have an effect. Stress results in the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, which has a catabolic effect on tissues, meaning that it results in protein loss from skin and other organs…
Artificial sweeteners and cellulite
Sugar consumption is one of the most important causes of cellulite - as well as diabetes and obesity - today. Therefore reducing or eliminating sugar in all its forms (including honey, agave and other erroneously though to be “good sugars”) and everything made with it (cakes, ice-cream, cookies etc) is the number one priority for cellulite prevention and reduction (as well as weight maintenance). But what about sweeteners, artificial or natural? Do they affect weight/fat levels and - consequently - cellulite?
Estrogen and cellulite
This is a very common question at the clinic: “It’s so unfair, why do women need to get cellulite and men not”? Well, there is an answer to that and in short it’s called estrogen. Generally, everybody, man or woman, can get cellulite if both two following conditions are met: their body is loaded with enough of the hormone estrogen - natural or artificial; and they ingest more calories than they spend and/or they sit down too much/walk too little. Estrogen on its own does NOT cause cellulite, neither inactivity…
BPA, microplastics, forever chemicals and cellulite
Binge eating (overeating at a single sitting) and cellulite
One of the major causes of cellulite, repeated over months and years, is binge-eating and binge-drinking, regardless of dieting/fasting later. Why would that be? One would think that if the total balance of calories during the day or during the week is neutral, then weight should stay the same, right? Right. Absolutely correct. The overall weight should roughly remain the same. However, the…
How to prevent cellulite and skin looseness
Cellulite and skin looseness are the result of age and/or an unhealthy cellulite. Both aesthetic concerns are interconnected and in most women they appear concurrently. Sometimes we see women (and some men) with a lot of cellulite and little skin looseness and vice versa, but usually there is a mix of both. And both of these issues appear gradually with age, which is absolutely normal. However, poor nutritional choices (too much sugar, carbs and fat and too little protein, vegetables, fruits and herbs), a sedentary lifestyle, as well as smoking and the contraceptive pill, greatly accelerate the appearance of cellulite and skin looseness…
Does sugar cause cellulite?
It is said that "sugar is the new smoking" - and for good reason. Consumption of sugar, found in pastry, desserts, cakes, chocolate, muffins, cocktails, juice drinks, jam, honey, fizzy drinks etc, is one of the worst things you can do to your eyes, teeth, blood vessels, pancreas, skin and, for the purposes of this article, your legs and bum….
Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?
How crash dieting and yo-yo dieting cause cellulite and skin looseness
Yo-yo dieting is defined as the cyclical weight gain and loss. Cyclical weight loss and gain unavoidable leads to increasingly higher body fat content, loose skin and cellulite. When we put on weight we mainly put on fat. When we lose weight, we do lose fat but we also quite a lot of protein: muscle, skin and even bone protein. When we put on weight again we mainly put on fat and almost never regain the full amount of previous muscle, skin and bone protein. This is because…
How unhealthy foods cause skin ageing via glycation
We know for a few decades now the detrimental role of glycation on body ageing, especially that of blood vessels and skin - and consequently cellulite. (Of course, you will never read that in any “beauty” article in high-end consumer magazines. For them anti-aging is all about using using SPF 50 even in your sleep, exfoliating day and night and having lots of botox and fillers. Oh well…)
Cellulite and glycaemic index (GI): the effect of sucrose, glucose, fructose and glycation
Glycemic index (GI) refers to the speed with which a certain food raises blood glucose levels. The glycaemic index is a scale from 0-100, with pure glucose set to be 100. A food is considered to have a low GI if it is 55 or less; high GI if 70 or more; and mid-range GI if it is 56 to 69. Some foods and drinks actually have a GI much higher than glucose. For example the GI of beer is up to 119 and that of corn flakes is up to 132…
How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness
When to comes to cellulite, skin looseness and even overall health, fried food is one of the worst type of foods you can possibly put in your mouth. Fried oils/fats are damaged fats which accumulate in cell membranes, causing chronic, low-grade, whole-body inflammation and damage to all organs and tissues in the whole body, including blood vessels and skin.
How sitting causes cellulite, loose skin and water retention (and 15 tips to prevent this)
Cellulite from sitting down? For the majority of office workers, work today is almost totally sedentary, most of the time involving just finger movement on the computer, the tablet or the mobile phone. This, as we will see, is a major cause of water retention, cellulite and loose skin, in combination with a poor diet…
Does gluten cause cellulite?
Gluten is a structural protein naturally found in some cereal grains, such as wheat (including spelt), barley, rye, and some types of oats. Typical foods that contain gluten are: bread, pasta, beer, pastries and cakes, hidden sources of gluten in processed foods etc. Gluten makes up 80% of the protein in wheat. Since bread contains 9% protein, about 7.2% of bread is gluten…