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cellulite treatment results

Cellulite treatment results

Cellulite treatment results

It is quite natural to be excited about seeing results from your aesthetic treatment, be it an anti-ageing procedure, a cellulite removal treatment etc. And living in a fast paced world, where instant gratification is considered the norm, people want to see results from anything they undertake as soon as possible - ideally yesterday. But let’s see how realistic such expectations are and what to expect from your cellulite treatment, really…

How long will results last after a course of skin tightening / cellulite treatments? What about maintenance treatments?

How long will results last after a course of skin tightening / cellulite treatments? What about maintenance treatments?

Ok, let’s say you found an effective cellulite reduction / skin tightening treatment, had a course of 6-12 sessions and you are happy with the results (don’t expect any long-lasting results with 2-3 sessions). How long should these results last?