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Lipedema symptom relief with ultrasound massage and phototherapy

Lipedema symptom relief with ultrasound massage and phototherapy

Lipedema is a genetic condition which mainly affects women and where the adipose tissue of the legs and arms gradually expands uncontrollably after puberty. Healthy diet and exercise do help slow down its progression but they are not sufficient to stop the development of lipedema completely or to reverse it. The only real solution to lipedema reduction is specialist liposuction. It seems that Austria and Germany are the best places to have lipedema surgery, as many surgeons specialise in it in those countries. Unfortunately treatments that do help with other fat reduction, especially cellulite fat reduction, do not sufficiently help with lipedema fat reduction. For this reason we do not use our deep-acting, high-power...

Can I reduce lipedema with RF, cavitation or RF microneedling?

Can I reduce lipedema with RF, cavitation or RF microneedling?

This is a very valid question asked by so many people in the lipedema community. However, the fact of the matter is that there is no good non-surgical treatment - be it radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, acoustic wave therapy, RF microneedling, HIFU, massage, red/infrared light therapy or pressotherapy. None of those non-surgical techniques or any other reduces lipedema and currently the only good solution for lipedema is surgery. Sure, exercise and healthy nutrition…