Unfortunately, not at all. Vitamin D3 (aka cholecalciferol or simply Vitamin D) is synthesised after UV-B ultraviolet radiation (295-315nm) skin exposure. LED light therapy treatments do not involved any UV light emission (<400nm wavelength). Most LED treatments involve red (~625-750nm) or near infrared (~750-2500nm) light. Some LED treatments also involve blue light, which is at about 400-500nm…
Does red LED boost collagen?
Both red (around 630nm) and near infrared (around 830nm) LED light stimulate mitochondrial function on all cells, including fibroblasts, which are the collagen and elastin producing cells in the skin, tendons, ligaments and other tissues. So, yes, by improving mitochondrial and cell function in skin fibroblasts, red and near infrared LED light does boost both collagen and elastin…
Which LED light is best for broken capillaries?
Both red (around 630nm wavelength) and near infrared (around 830nm wavelength) light have been widely researched for the action on capillary health and integrity. Of course, existing broken capillaries cannot be repaired but red / infrared LED treatment will help prevent further capillary damage. By helping break down the by-products of leaked blood from broken capillaries, red/infrared light can also help with the dark pigmentation that occurs in those cases…
Does LED treatment contain UV light?
Most LED treatments are in the red (~620-750nm) and near infrared (~750-1400nm) wavelengths, i.e. the exact opposite side of the spectrum from UV wavelengths (for example UVA is at ~315-400nm and UVB is even lower at ~280-315nm). So there is not a danger of your LED treatment giving off UV radiation. Red and near infrared light are widely researched for their anti-ageing, healing, anti-inflammatory…
Does LED help with dark spots?
Dark spots and hyperpigmentation in general are prime indications for the use of red and near-infrared light therapy. Red and near-infrared light, either from an LED or low-level laser light source exerts an anti-inflammatory and a skin metabolism-boosting effect (due to stimulation of mitochondria), which results in hyperpigmentation reduction, over several sessions…
Will one session of red light therapy help?
For some immediate skin rejuvenation, pain reduction in musculoskeletal injuries and even improvement with acne appearance, even one session with a high-power LED device (i.e. ~120mW/cm2) can actually make a difference, and we see it every day at the clinic. Facial skin brightens immediately with a healthy glow and “angry” acne calms down and looks much milder…
Is red light therapy real or fake?
Red light therapy, as well as infrared and blue light therapy, is becoming ever more popular. With this popularity hundreds of LED red light therapy devices have appeared on the market and with all the miracle claims, the internet, tiktok and instagram misinformation and the confusion, a lot of people understandably question whether red light therapy is legit or not. To put it very shortly, properly applied red light therapy - as well as blue and infrared light therapy - are real…
How often should I do LED on my face?
How often you can have LED treatment on your face - or any other body area - depends on the device’s light intensity. The higher the intensity the less often you should have treatment and vice versa. As with everything else in life a little more is good but a lot more is usually bad - and that applies to LED treatment too. LED treatment may be almost side-effect free but…
Why are good LED masks so expensive?
And this is a common question we hear: “Why good LED masks (and professional LED devices) so expensive?” Well the answer is: “they are not”. In the West we are addicted to cheap imported goods and so we believe everything should be dirt cheap. And indeed, many LED masks are dirt cheap but, as many people understand, they are of poor quality, while the higher quality devices are considered “expensive”. A good home-use LED mask (or even professional LED device for use at clinics) must use high quality LED bulbs that provide what it says on the tin: red or infrared light of a specific frequency and specific intensity, constantly throughout the treatment…
Can I have infrared / red light therapy treatment with makeup on?
Red and infrared light therapy (phototherapy) is very popular as an anti-ageing facial treatment, as it is generally very safe and instantly effective. The general rule is that makeup must be removed before phototherapy treatment. This is because makeup quite often contains ingredients which aim to reflect light back from the face, in order to create an effect of “radiance” and light on the skin. However, if they have a treatment during lunchtime, many women find it a hassle to remove...
Low-level light therapy (phototherapy) works with light - never with heat
"Ah yes, LED light therapy, good reminder to use again my RF wand I have at home…" This is how some people react when they hear about red light therapy / photobiomodulation, erroneously believing that light therapy works by heating up the skin. However, this could not be further from the truth. Low level light therapy (LLLT), with either...
Light therapy vs cavitation / RF for cellulite reduction and skin tightening
Light therapy, also known as phototherapy and photobiomodulation, is a great aesthetic and wellness therapeutic modality, helping with anything from wound healing, to acne, to mood enhancement to skin anti-ageing. High-power light therapy can also help with cellulite and skin laxity prevention and perhaps a little bit with reduction, but its effect comes nowhere near to that of deep-acting, high-power cavitation and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound radiofrequency, the strongest SAFE...