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Why are good LED masks so expensive?

Why are good LED masks so expensive?

And this is a common question we hear: “Why good LED masks (and professional LED devices) so expensive?” Well the answer is: “they are not”. In the West we are addicted to cheap imported goods and so we believe everything should be dirt cheap. And indeed, many LED masks are dirt cheap but, as many people understand, they are of poor quality, while the higher quality devices are considered “expensive”. A good home-use LED mask (or even professional LED device for use at clinics) must use high quality LED bulbs that provide what it says on the tin: red or infrared light of a specific frequency and specific intensity, constantly throughout the treatment…

Does cellulite go away when you lose weight?

Does cellulite go away when you lose weight?

Excess fat accumulation at the hypodermal level (fat in skin’s deeper layer) is the most important aspect of cellulite (with fibrosis, skin laxity and poor circulation being the other main aspects). When weight is lost, with diet and exercise, different types of body fat are reduced at different speeds…

At what age do women get cellulite?

At what age do women get cellulite?

This is a common question at the clinic and the answer is quite straightforward. Cellulite can start appearing as soon as menstruation begins,, i.e. in the early teen years, always in combination with a positive calorie balance. Rarely, an excess of estrogen can make cellulite start appearing even before the pre-teen years. On the other, some women manages delay the development of cellulite well into their 60s or later. Let’s check the details…

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

“Vegan diet is healthy, so it must be good to help get rid of cellulite, right”? This is a question I hear often at the clinic and my answer is, “not necessarily”. Indeed veganism, or at least vegetarianism is good for the planet, and indeed can be good for your health and appearance, but not necessarily…

How can I tone my glutes without growing them?

How can I tone my glutes without growing them?

The gluteus maximus is a muscle which almost no man or woman can have enough of, simply because it makes the butt area look strong, beautifully curvy and sexy. However, some people would prefer to have just a toned butt but not too toned or big. How can one do that? It’s simple. Do lots of intensive resistance exercise two to three times a week, for several weeks. And when you reach the stage where your muscles don’t just tone but they start growing bigger, stop and switch to maintenance resistance training for that area, once every two weeks…

Can I exercise after RF treatment?

Can I exercise after RF treatment?

Absolutely. You can do any exercise you want before or after treatment. In fact, if you are having RF for cellulite reduction, vigorous exercise right before or right after treatment will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. This is because the noradrenaline produced during exercise will maximise the lipolysis (fat release) stimulated by the treatment…

Does sugar cause cellulite?

Does sugar cause cellulite?

It is said that "sugar is the new smoking" - and for good reason. Consumption of sugar, found in pastry, desserts, cakes, chocolate, muffins, cocktails, juice drinks, jam, honey, fizzy drinks etc, is one of the worst things you can do to your eyes, teeth, blood vessels, pancreas, skin and, for the purposes of this article, your legs and bum….

Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?

Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?

It is a common question I am asked at the clinic: “Do men have cellulite?'“ or “Why do men not get cellulite?”. And my answer has always been that women develop cellulite because they have weaker connective tissue and larger fat cells, due to the effect of female hormones…

How crash dieting and yo-yo dieting cause cellulite and skin looseness

How crash dieting and yo-yo dieting cause cellulite and skin looseness

Yo-yo dieting is defined as the cyclical weight gain and loss. Cyclical weight loss and gain unavoidable leads to increasingly higher body fat content, loose skin and cellulite. When we put on weight we mainly put on fat. When we lose weight, we do lose fat but we also quite a lot of protein: muscle, skin and even bone protein. When we put on weight again we mainly put on fat and almost never regain the full amount of previous muscle, skin and bone protein. This is because…

Astaxanthin and collagen for cellulite and skin laxity: how they work together

Astaxanthin and collagen for cellulite and skin laxity: how they work together

It is well known that hydrolysed collagen enhances skin firmness, as it provides peptides which are ready for use by skin cells in the production of collagen. Furthermore, it is also well-known that most "antioxidants" (polyphenols and carotenoids) assist in the prevention of collagen and elastin damage and boost it's production…

Why cocoa flavanols are one of the most important cellulite cream actives

Why cocoa flavanols are one of the most important cellulite cream actives

Cocoa flavanols are widely researched for their microcirculation enhancing, collagen protecting, antioxidant, elastin synthesis stimulating and adipose tissue anti-inflammatory action. Cocoa flavanols act directly on four aspects of cellulite. Due to these qualities, cocoa flavanols (purified cocoa extract) is one of the most important skincare actives today for anti-aging, stretch marks, post-liposuction aftercare and anti-cellulite creams…