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foods that cause cellulite

What foods cause thigh fat and cellulite on legs?

What foods cause thigh fat and cellulite on legs?

If I had to put it in just ten words I would say “anything sugary, anything fried, too many carbs, too much fat” causes cellulite, not just on legs and butt, but on the stomach, arms and waist too. And there is good justification for that statement…

Carotenoids, skin and cellulite

Carotenoids, skin and cellulite

Carotenoids, found in carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, seaweed (especially wakame), salmon and green leafy vegetables, among other foods, are important skin nutrients that help prevent UV damage, skin looseness and protect skin firmness and microcirculation. In this article we summarise the benefits of those nutrients and the foods that contain them.

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

How fried food causes cellulite, aging and skin looseness

When to comes to cellulite, skin looseness and even overall health, fried food is one of the worst type of foods you can possibly put in your mouth. Fried oils/fats are damaged fats which accumulate in cell membranes, causing chronic, low-grade, whole-body inflammation and damage to all organs and tissues in the whole body, including blood vessels and skin.