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Forskolin: a key anti-cellulite cream active

Forskolin: a key anti-cellulite cream active

Forskolin, is the extract of the South Asian plant coleus forskohlii / plectranthus barbatus. It has been extensively researched for decades for its lipolytic action and is routinely used in lab experiments when it is needed to stimulate lipolysis in fat cells. (Lipolysis refers to fat release from fat cells, leading to fat cell size reduction and, if sustained, eventual fat cell death.) However, due to its high cost (10x more than the highest quality caffeine) it is rarely used in anti-cellulite creams - although it is way more important than caffeine in this regard…

How does ultrasound cavitation reduce cellulite fat? [Research]

How does ultrasound cavitation reduce cellulite fat? [Research]

Ultrasound-induced cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs when high-intensity sound waves are used on certain tissues, such as human skin. When the intensity of the sound waves is strong enough, it can create small gas bubbles in the tissue. These bubbles can then quickly collapse, releasing energy in the form of heat and force. Research has shown that this process can reduce the amount of fat and shrink the size of fat cells in the skin.

Guarana and cellulite

Guarana and cellulite

Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a South American plant whose seeds, the side of coffee beans, contain caffeine. The concentration of caffeine is twice that of coffee beans. Drinks made with the seeds are popular in Brazil. Many commercial “energy drinks” contain guarana. These drinks are no different to drinks containing caffeine from. coffee beans…

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

The natural lipolytic chemical forskolin was found in this study to release fat from fat cells, via significant cAMP production in fat cells. This study confirms that forskolin is clearly THE strongest natural lipolytic natural active and it is an ideal anti-cellulite…

Should I wait to lose all my extra weight before I start my cellulite treatments?

Should I wait to lose all my extra weight before I start my cellulite treatments?

Many people think that they have to “lose all the weight first” and only then start a cellulite treatment, because this way they are ready to start treatment. However, this could not be further from the truth. The best thing is to lose any weight you may want to lose during your course of treatments - not before or after.

Can I exercise after RF treatment?

Can I exercise after RF treatment?

For cellulite reduction, it would actually be amazing if you could exercise right before or right after a deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment. Or why not, both before and after! The reason for this is simple. A good, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment stimulates lipolysis, i.e. the release of fat from fat cells…

The secret life of fat cells - 24 things you did not know about fat

The secret life of fat cells - 24 things you did not know about fat

As part of my focus on fat/cellulite reduction, I have been following the research on adipose tissue for more than two decades now and I am pleased to share these 24 very important yet very little-known facts about fat and fat cells with you…

Lipolysis and cellulite

Lipolysis and cellulite

The most important aspect of cellulite is fat accumulation in the hypodermis (deepest skin layer). Everything else (water retention, skin laxity, fibrosis etc) is also important, but secondary. Consequently hypodermal fat reduction is the most important step in reducing cellulite. The process by which fat is broken down in fat cells for subsequent release into the bloodstream is called lipolysis…

What to eat before and after a cavitation / RF treatment, for maximum results

What to eat before and after a cavitation / RF treatment, for maximum results

Did you know that you can maximise your cellulite treatment effectiveness, by eating healthily before and after your treatment? Indeed you can. Let’s see how that works and what foods are best/worst for this purpose….