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Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

Cellulite diet | How to get rid of cellulite

A diet that can help prevent or improve most or all of those changes, is the ideal cellulite diet. The diet components described below - always together with exercise / physical activity - address all seven facets of cellulite. As the same things that cause cellulite are also responsible for most whole body / skin ageing and degenerative diseases of the Western world, the ideal anti-cellulite diet is also the ideal healthy / anti-ageing diet…

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

Is vegan diet good for cellulite?

“Vegan diet is healthy, so it must be good to help get rid of cellulite, right”? This is a question I hear often at the clinic and my answer is, “not necessarily”. Indeed veganism, or at least vegetarianism is good for the planet, and indeed can be good for your health and appearance, but not necessarily…