The plant chemicals ‘polyphenols’ are important in maintaining skin and blood vessel integrity, as well as in inhibiting fat accumulation. As such, they are important anti-cellulite agents. Polyphenols are mainly found in red, yellow, purple, blue and black berries and other plants (e.g. blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, black rice, black beans, adzuki beans, purple potatoes, purple broccoli…
Skin too dry in winter? Creams don’t work? You need an oil, not a cream.
Many people suffer from dry skin in winter - and sometimes throughout the year too. The causes of dry skin can be internal and/or external, from hormonal issues, dietary patterns and even genetics to dry winter weather, hot showers and tight clothes, such as leggings, that absorb skin moisture. Most people who suffer from dry skin turn to body creams, either based on vegetable oils or mineral oils….
Can a TENS unit break up fat or cellulite?
Different kinds of electrical treatments have been suggested the last few decades for skin firming and fat/cellulite reduction, with varying effectiveness. Examples include radiofrequency, high frequency wand treatments, microcurrents, galvanic, HIFEM (electromagnetic muscle stimulation), EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) etc. TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), used in physiotherapy for pain relief, is not one of them, but…
RF vs cavitation for cellulite reduction: what is best?
Cellulite after weight loss: why does it often look worse?
When you put on weight adipocytes (fat cells) in your deeper, subcutaneous adipose tissue fill up with fat and that give you volume. Skin has to accommodate the excess volume by becoming longer. At the she time, adipocytes in your more superficial hypodermal adipose tissue also fill up with fat and we call that cellulite. When you lose weight you mainly lose fat from the subcutaneous adipose tissue and not so much from the hypodermal one…
Does cavitation work on visceral fat (deep belly fat)?
Visceral fat is the fat responsible for the so-called “beer belly” look. It is also the most unhealthy fat you can have, as it increases the risk if diabetes and cardiovascular disease. So it is no wonder people ask whether they can reduce visceral fat with any method. However, as we can see healthy eating, weight loss and exercise (and lately anti-diabetic injections) are the only ways to reduce visceral fat…
Guarana and cellulite
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a South American plant whose seeds, the side of coffee beans, contain caffeine. The concentration of caffeine is twice that of coffee beans. Drinks made with the seeds are popular in Brazil. Many commercial “energy drinks” contain guarana. These drinks are no different to drinks containing caffeine from. coffee beans…
Olive oil and cellulite
A lot of people think that since olive oil is healthy (indeed), they can consume large amounts without getting any weight gain or cellulite (very wrong). The same applies to the other unjustifiably overhyped oil of recent years, coconut oil, which is a matter for a whole separate article.) But is all this hype justified? Let’s see how good or olive oil is for your figure, and especially for cellulite, which is the subject of this blog…
Yerba mate vs ozempic: the facts
The South American tea drink Yerba-Maté (Ilex paraguariensis) has been in the news again recently (April 2024) when tabloids hyped it up as “Football’s secret Ozempic", apparently because Lionel Messi drinks it, and David Beckham has tried it, so it must be a slimming superdrink - or words to that effect 😂
Does wine cause cellulite? Polyphenols vs alcohol.
Like dark chocolate, red wine is considered good for your blood vessels and overall health, due to the amounts of polyphenols and also resveratrol / pterostilbene they contain. Polyphenols are indeed very important for overall health and especially good for blood vessels and the skin - and consequently for cellulite prevention and firm skin…
Does radio frequency melt fat? Hype vs facts.
I don’t know where this “fat melting” idea came from, but those who invented this phrase a few decades ago, should have known that fat is already liquid in fat cells. In fact, scientists call the lipid content in fat cells “the adipocyte lipid droplet”. So next time you visit a clinic where they claim to melt your fat…
Cellulite exercise | How to get rid of cellulite
At the time of updating this article (February 2023) Google returned 3.7 million pages for the query “cellulite exercises”, volunteering “helpful suggestions” such as curtsy lunges, lateral lunges, glute bridges and squat jumps. But do these exercises work? Can you get rid of - or at least reduce - cellulite with specific exercises? Here we present the ultimate “exercise for cellulite” guide. Honest and straight to the point, without clichés or even dangerous misinformation that you find all over the internet. Just science-based, actionable information.
Omega-3 fish oil vs omega 3-6-9 supplements for cellulite
Natural butt lift with gluteus maximus exercises and RF treatments: how to achieve it
A Brazilian bum: everyone would like to have one, yet few would be prepared to go for surgery to achieve it, hence the popularity of so many “non-surgical bum lift treatments”. Lack of exercise, excess calorie intake, sugar intake, sitting down for long periods of time and normal ageing, all result in skin looseness, the accumulation of excess fat, cellulite and water retention on the buttock area. The result is a saggy bottom with puffy, spongy skin…
What is the new cellulite treatment for 2025?
Unless you are a shallow blogger/journalist about to write a “Forget abc, xyz is the newest celebrity-endorsed cellulite treatment that took the world by storm in 2025” type of article, it doesn’t really matter what is the newest cellulite treatment. Every year a bunch of new, hyped-up beauty/aesthetic treatments appear and in a few years, when people realise that said treatments are not that miraculous after all, they gradually disappear…
How to get rid of cellulite
The ultimate cellulite removal guide | 2025 Edition
This is our extensive how-to guide for firmer, smoother, slimmer legs, brought to you by LipoTherapeia, London’s only aesthetic practice dedicated only to cellulite reduction and skin tightening. This 111-tip list and linked articles are the outcome of 24+ years of theoretical research and practical experience in cellulite and skin tightening, with literally thousands of people and 23,000+ treatments. Honest, no-nonsense, science-based and actionable information, tried and tested again and again over more than two decades.
Do you lose weight with ultrasonic cavitation?
What is the best cellulite treatment? [2025 edition]
A list of the most effective cellulite treatments - in real life, not in the virtual reality of social media
As most women know by experience, most cellulite treatments simply do not work. And when we say they don't work, we mean that they either do not work at all or that they offer so poor results that you would need 20, 30 or 50 sessions to be happy with the results. Here we will review the best treatments, according to effectiveness (more effective treatments are presented first, ineffective treatments are presented last)…
Do cellulite creams work independently of cellulite treatments?
Cellulite creams and cellulite treatments work on slightly different aspects of cellulite with some differences and some overlaps. In fact, cellulite creams can do things that cellulite treatments can’t. On the other hand, treatments work faster than creams. Cellulite treatments, for example, cannot act on free radical damage, glycation or inflammation. On the other hand, a good cellulite cream (I know, they are very rare, but they do exist) will…
Sushi, sashimi, tempura and cellulite
Sushi is generally considered a healthy food, but is it? Sushi is made up of sticky white rice, fish, vegetable and added sauces, at varying proportions, depending on the type of sushi. As an example, a california roll will contain 3% protein, 18.5% high-glycaemic load carbs (rice), 1% fat and 1% fibre. Hardly healthy. A prawn tempura roll contains 4% protein, 28% high-glycaemic load carbs, 6% fried fat…