Cocoa, protein and turmeric for firm, healthy cellulite-free legs. There are hundreds of ideas for drinks, juices and shakes that may be good for diet, weight loss and overall health, so one might wonder why these three ingredients? The idea behind this shake is its simplicity, taste and impact it can have in the health of your legs. Indeed, this shake is one of our 10 top tips for fast cellulite reduction…
Can I exercise after RF treatment?
Absolutely. You can do any exercise you want before or after treatment. In fact, if you are having RF for cellulite reduction, vigorous exercise right before or right after treatment will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. This is because the noradrenaline produced during exercise will maximise the lipolysis (fat release) stimulated by the treatment…
Gotu kola / centella asiatica: how it works for cellulite and other skin conditions
Centella asiatica (gotu kola) is one of the most important herbs for skincare and skin diseases, due to its multifunctional action. This review summarises the main modes of action of gotu kola on multiple aesthetic and medical skin conditions: acne, acne scars, burns, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, fibrosis, hair loss and cellulite…
Do cellulite creams work? Facts vs marketing hype.
In a previous article we have discussed the differences, merits and drawbacks of cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments. On this article we are focusing a bit more on why a good, concentrated, multi-ingredient cellulite cream can play an important role in cellulite reduction, more than what most women assume.
Fibrosis, cellulite and fibrous cellulite: what is the connection?
Fibrosis is one of the most important aspects of cellulite, together with fat accumulation, water retention, inflammation and skin laxity. Fibrosis in cellulite refers to excess accumulation and contraction of collagen in the skin ligaments (retinaculae, also known as septae) that connect skin with the fascia underneath. Fibrosis occurs at the deepest skin layer called the hypodermis…
EGCG from green tea: an essential anti-cellulite cream active
Green tea is widely researched for it lipolytic, skin firming, microcirculation-boosting, ani-inflammatory, anti-glycation, antifibrotic and antioxidant action, i.e. it directly acts on all seven aspects of cellulite. The health benefits of green tea are due to its polyphenol content, especially EGCG. EGCG, or EpiGalloCatechin Gallate, is the most important active molecule in the green tea plant (camellia sinensis) and it is widely researched with literally thousands of studies.
Does liposuction get rid of cellulite?
To understand whether liposuction can help with cellulite we have to know what kind of fat liposuction removes and what kind of fat cellulite is made of. In addition to deep fat, found deep inside the stomach (visceral fat) and intramuscular fat, found inside muscles (as in “marble fat” in steaks), there are two other types of fat on the human body which are found on the surface of the body: subcutaneous fat, which is found under the skin; and hypodermal and dermal fat, which is found inside the skin…
Does sugar cause cellulite?
It is said that "sugar is the new smoking" - and for good reason. Consumption of sugar, found in pastry, desserts, cakes, chocolate, muffins, cocktails, juice drinks, jam, honey, fizzy drinks etc, is one of the worst things you can do to your eyes, teeth, blood vessels, pancreas, skin and, for the purposes of this article, your legs and bum….
Pterostilbene, resveratrol and hyperpigmentation
Pterostilbene is a chemical found in plants that has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make it potentially useful for preventing skin cancer and other skin conditions. However, until recently, there had not been any research examining the effects of pterostilbene on pigment production in the skin…
How to prevent cellulite? Fall in love with veggies, salads, seaweed, herbs and spices.
This is one of the most common questions we are asked: “What are the best foods to fights cellulite?”. To which the instant answer is: “Above all else, have as many low calorie, high fibre, high polyphenol/carotenoid foods as you can”. But why is that? Low in calories: no need to discuss this more, it’s pretty obvious. High in fibre: because they fill you up without calories and prevent you from consuming too much fat/carbs; and because they help balance your gut microbiota (i.e. boost the good bacteria in your gut), which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can indirectly prevent water retention. High in polyphenol/carotenoids (what some people would identify as “antioxidants”): because most carotenoids and polyphenols have a multi-prong anti-cellulite effect…
Can the results of a cellulite or skin tightening treatment be guaranteed?
Medical, aesthetic and complementary treatments all try to steer the body towards a specific direction and they generally work, but it is not guaranteed that the body will react in a specific way / after a specific number of sessions. Such treatments are an effort towards a result, not a guarantee of an exact result…
Collagen, skin tightening and cellulite
Many of our clients ask us a lot of questions relating to skin firmness: collagen, elastin, skin tightness, skin elasticity, collagen powders, skin tightening treatments and creams, how to increase skin elasticity, and of course, cellulite. Here is a concise guide on collagen, elastin and how these proteins affect skin firmness, elasticity and cellulite. Skin is made primarily of rigid protein-based fibres such as collagen and fibronectin and elastic protein-based fibres, such as elastin and fibrillin. Collagen and fibronectin give firmness/tightness to skin and other tissues, while elastin and fibrillin provide elasticity.
Cellulite, luxury living and the champagne lifestyle
Beer and fish and chips vs refined restaurants and expensive cocktails. What do these two things have in common? Calories and alcohol, of course. In the last 20 years that we have specialised in cellulite, we have seen so many champagne-sipping people, who had literally thousands of evenings of refined dining…
Salt, potassium, water retention and cellulite
It is widely known that in the Western world and with our industrialised food supply we consume way too much salt (sodium chloride), and therefore sodium. Our body removes excess water from the body by filtering blood through the kidneys. A high sodium intake causes the kidneys to remove less water resulting in higher blood pressure and water retention. As water retention is an important aspect of cellulite, this means that a high salt intake can increase the appearance of cellulite.
Cellulite and the takeaway culture
“Don’t cook, just eat”, goes the motto of food delivery app Just Eat. Deliveroo and Uber Eats preach a similar philosophy: why bother to cook, when you can outsource your food? Obviously things are not so simple. Takeaway food is not cooked in a ‘Green Pan’ with a £50-a-kilo extra virgin Toscano olive oil, coming out of a cute glass bottle…
Does coolsculpting get rid of cellulite? Facts vs marketing hype.
This a common question we are asked at the clinic. Coolsculpting is the most well-known example of cryolipolysis technology. Cryolipolysis aims to lead to subcutaneous adipose tissue adipolysis (i.e. fat cell death) with the application of extreme cold. Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) is the fat tissue UNDER the skin, while cellulite is fat tissue inside the skin (hypodermis), so by definition cryolipolysis / coolsculpting do NOT remove cellulite.
Should I wait to lose all my extra weight before I start my cellulite treatments?
Many people think that they have to “lose all the weight first” and only then start a cellulite treatment, because this way they are ready to start treatment. However, this could not be further from the truth. The best thing is to lose any weight you may want to lose during your course of treatments - not before or after.
Thigh lift for cellulite and skin tightening
Most people hate surgery and if they suffer from skin looseness, on their thighs or other body area, would rightly prefer to have a course of non-surgical treatments instead. However, for extreme skin laxity and sagginess the only option that makes sense is thigh lift surgery. Non-surgical treatments are great (in fact the only option) for mild or medium skin laxity / sagginess…
The connection between cellulite and hemorrhoids - and the flavonoids that can help both
Polyphenols such as flavonoids are widely researched for this blood vessel supporting and microcirculation boosting action. This can help in all conditions affected by poor circulation, anything from water retention to cellulite reduction to haemorrhoid improvement: the key issue is exactly the same: blood and lymphatic vessel integrity and function…