Is it the cellulite cream that works or the massaging action by which the cream is applied? This is the natural evolution of “creams don’t get absorbed” idea. If creams do not get absorbed and yet people are happy with them, that means that something else works, other than the cream. And what else can that be than massaging the cream into the skin? Makes sense, right? Well, let’s look at the facts…
Cellulite “before and after” pictures on Instagram? 95%+ are fake, don't fall for the smooth operators.
It is so easy to be fooled by Instagram pictures of C-list celebs "undergoing a non-surgical bum lift procedure" or experience an “amazing transformation” with their cellulite. Don't fall for them. The sad truth is that the vast majority of "before & after" photos found on most websites and on Instagram are simply fake, aiming to take advantage of the public's ignorance and gullibility. Read below about specific examples of the most common tricks….
Do men get cellulite? Why do women get cellulite?
Radiofrequency vs ultrasound cavitation
How to improve skin elasticity naturally
What are typical prices for radiofrequency treatment in London?
Radiofrequency, when properly done (i.e. deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency applied by a well trained professional), is the most effective SAFE skin tightening and cellulite reduction treatment known today. Radiofrequency prices in London vary from anything between £50 a session to £3,500 a session, with typical prices for a quality treatment on an average sized body area in central London being £150-£500 per session. Of course, as with any other aesthetic treatment, effectiveness, price and customer service vary widely from clinic to clinic, depending on equipment quality, staff training, location and clinic environment and also the focus of each clinic…
Pre-cellulite vs cellulite
Pre-cellulite: cellulite waiting to happen. Or, how artificial living, combined with estrogen, transforms the absolutely normal pre-cellulite structure into the unhealthy cellulite structure. This is the second of our three articles regarding the nature of cellulite. The first article in the series is “What is cellulite” and the third article is “Is cellulite normal?”. On this article we are presenting cellulite anatomy in detail and also the subject of pre-cellulite.
What exactly is an anti-cellulite cream?
So this is what makes a cellulite cream: a fast absorbable cream formulation with - ideally a high concentration of) anti-cellulite active ingredients in it. It’s as simple as that. Without anti-cellulite active ingredients - or with very little in the way of active ingredients - we are talking about a simple body moisturiser. I am sorry to break it to you, but 99% of the so-called cellulite creams on the market are exactly that, basically a body moisturiser…
Apigenin from parsley, chamomile and celery may help prevent cellulite
A new study, published a few days ago (December 2023) looked at the potential antioxidant, anti-aging and anti-cellulite potential of a family of aromatic plants called Apiaceae or Umbelliferae. Common apiaceae plants include ajwain, angelica, anise, asafoetida, caraway, carrot, celery, chervil, coriander, cumin, dill, fennel, lovage, cow parsley, parsley, parsnip and sea holly…
Skin laxity vs cellulite: what is the difference?
Deep tissue radiofrequency: the only RF worth having for cellulite and skin tightening
How crash dieting and yo-yo dieting cause cellulite and skin looseness
Yo-yo dieting is defined as the cyclical weight gain and loss. Cyclical weight loss and gain unavoidable leads to increasingly higher body fat content, loose skin and cellulite. When we put on weight we mainly put on fat. When we lose weight, we do lose fat but we also quite a lot of protein: muscle, skin and even bone protein. When we put on weight again we mainly put on fat and almost never regain the full amount of previous muscle, skin and bone protein. This is because…
How unhealthy foods cause skin ageing via glycation
We know for a few decades now the detrimental role of glycation on body ageing, especially that of blood vessels and skin - and consequently cellulite. (Of course, you will never read that in any “beauty” article in high-end consumer magazines. For them anti-aging is all about using using SPF 50 even in your sleep, exfoliating day and night and having lots of botox and fillers. Oh well…)
Can I exercise after RF treatment?
For cellulite reduction, it would actually be amazing if you could exercise right before or right after a deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment. Or why not, both before and after! The reason for this is simple. A good, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency treatment stimulates lipolysis, i.e. the release of fat from fat cells…
Pressotherapy for cellulite: does it work?
Escin may reduce water retention and cellulite due to an anti-inflammatory effect
Escin may reduce inflammation and oedema by acting as a steroid - without the side effects of steroids. This paper states “the anti-inflammatory effects of escin were related to down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators (ie, PGE2, TNF-α, and IL-1β), through the increased expression of the glucocorticoid receptor”. In plain English this means that the horse chestnut extract escin (and most probably its chemical cousin esculin, which has similar activity) acts on the same receptor that corticosteroids act.
How many RF treatments are needed to see results?
With proper, deep-acting, high-power radio frequency, provided under the pain threshold, clients typically experience some immediate skin contraction, which sometimes is quite impressive. This contraction is brought about by the effect of heat on fibroblasts (collagen cells), which contract the skin’s collagen network…
Is RF effective for slimming the face?
Radiofrequency refers to high frequency electrical currents that aims to target superficial, medium depth or deep skin layers. Radiofrequency does three things where it is applied. It stimulates collagen and elastin contraction and synthesis. It stimulates lipolysis, i.e. fat release from fat cells. It stimulates circulation
Cellulite is an inflammatory tissue, similar to visceral fat
Paleo diet and cellulite
The paleo diet is based on the premise that we should eat like our carnivore ancestors did in the last 150,000 years. This basically means no dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, cream etc), no grains (wheat, rice, corn, oats etc), no pulses and of course no sugar and no alcohol, plus lots of daily physical activity.