Microneedling is a popular treatment for skin rejuvenation, with mixed efficacy. It is safe and affective for epidermal rejuvenation, but not so much for dermal rejuvenation. Microneedling uses multiple ultra-fine needles to temporarily create tiny holes in the skin. The holes, comprising an injury to the skin, stimulate the skin’s…
Which is the best cellulite cream?
Of all aesthetic conditions cellulite is the trickiest, the most “impossible” to treat with any method: diet, exercise, treatments or creams. Most other aesthetic conditions do not require the client to change their lifestyle much: if you don’t smoke and live generally healthy, you would expect very good results from a quality beauty treatment or cream without any other effort on your part…
Cellulite laser treatment: don't waste time, money and hopes, it doesn't work - learn why
There are three types of lasers used for cellulite and skin tightening: hot lasers, i.e. high energy lasers; cold lasers, i.e. low energy lasers and also known as low level laser therapy / LLLT; surgical/invasive lasers. Here we present an analysis of all three types of lasers used for cellulite removal and their effectiveness.
How long will results last after a course of skin tightening / cellulite treatments? What about maintenance treatments?
What is ozempic butt and how to fix it
Wegovy and Ozempic are injected medicines that both contain the active molecule semaglutide. Ozempic is prescribed for diabetes. Wegovy, on the other hand, contains a higher amount of semaglutide and therefore is additionally prescribed for weight loss. However, Ozempic is also used for weight loss, off label. The typical weight loss achieved with Wegovy/Ozempic is about 12% of body weight in non-diabetic people. As both drugs lead to fast weight loss, the buttocks do not have enough time to contract…
HIIT, uphill interval running and cellulite
Interval training is by far the best form of exercise for cellulite reduction and prevention. This is because during the bursts of high intensity activity you burn calories very fast - much faster than you would with slow intensity work. In addition, those bursts act as a shock on the endocrine system and boost your metabolism much more effectively than slow intensity exercise, so you continue to burn calories after your training session…
At home cellulite treatment with proper cellulite massage, a real cellulite cream and lifestyle change
Infrared light emitting leggings and caffeine jeans for cellulite: do they work?
How long does RF skin tightening last?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is by far the best and safest cellulite reduction and skin tightening technology and typically can offer great results in 6-12 sessions. But do these results last for ever or would maintenance treatments be needed? This is one of the most common questions at the clinic so I will present the answers here in detail…
Cellulite: 75 frequently asked questions answered
Fast, expert answers to your questions about cellulite. You asked it, we answered it. What causes cellulite? What is the best cellulite removal procedure? Do compression leggings help with cellulite? Is honey good for cellulite? Can EMS help with cellulite? Does cellulite hurt to touch? These and many more questions about cellulite got straight and to-the-point answers, with no fluff or embellishments, for your benefit. Enjoy!
Does cavitation tighten skin?
High-power ultrasound cavitation is one of the two most effective SAFE methods for cellulite reduction, especially when provided by a well-trained, experienced and knowledgable therapist. Normally cavitation is not recommended for skin tightening, as it only exerts a weak skin tightening effect, when applied as usual…
What causes cellulite?
Misinformation abounds about cellulite and its causes could not be an exception. Caffeine and fizz in drinks are widely - and erroneously - thought to be major causes, while, for example, no one speaks about the contraceptive pill - a major cause of cellulite. Below we list the 19 top causes of cellulite…
What is cellulite?
There is ridiculous misinformation on cellulite in the media. Instagram, blogs, newspapers, glossy magazines, clinic/beauty salon websites and even cellulite equipment and cellulite cream manufacturer websites offer such gems as “cellulite is toxins”, “cellulite is just fat”, “cellulite does not exist”, “cellulite is natural”, “cellulite is normal”, “cellulite is just fascia”, “cellulite is just water retention”, “90% of women in the world have cellulite” etc etc…
Why do I have more cellulite than my mum?
This has been a very common question at the clinic throughout the years. Sometimes there is truth in that statement/question, while sometimes there isn’t. Let’s have a look. Most women, when they compare themselves to other women, believe that they are less good looking and that their skin blemishes, excess weight etc are really bad - when in reality they are not nearly as bad. This is in direct contrast to men, who actually typically believe that they are much better looking, slimmer, smarter, successful etc, than they really are…
Fibrosis after lipo: what causes it and how to get rid of it
After almost all “lipo” surgery (liposuction, liposculpture, laser lipo/smart lipo, vaser lipo, bodytite, abdominoplasty/tummy tuck, Brazilian butt lift/BBL, cellfina, subcision, cellulaze, cellutite, profound RF etc) inflammation and oedema (water retention). Inflammation / oedema are followed by scar tissue development (known as fibrosis, adhesions or simply ‘hard lumps’) in one of more areas or widespread throughout the operated area…
Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?
How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…
Dairy foods and cellulite
There are two things about the consumption of dairy foods and the development of cellulite. Saturated fat (and fat content in general), which contribute to calorie load. Dairy intolerance, which can cause bloating, water retention and low grade, whole body inflammation For most of the population, dairy foods are not as an important cellulite contributing factor as starches, sugar, fried food or alcohol, but for some they are indeed an important cause of cellulite. Let’s have a look…
Probiotics and cellulite
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and yeast that are friendly to body tissues and assist our bodies in many ways, including resistance to harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes; facilitation of gut function; metabolism of foods; immune system modulation; inflammation reduction and more. Examples include acidophilus, bifidobacteria, saccharomyces boulardii and more. Probiotics are found in…
Berries, resveratrol, pterostilbene and cellulite
Many nutrients are touted as “anti-cellulite” or “good for skin” or “circulation boosters”, but few actually deliver. One of those select nutrients is resveratrol, together with its more absorbable, more potent ‘cousin’, pterostilbene. In this article we summarise the benefits of those nutrients and the foods that contain them.