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How to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks?

How to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks?

So you can reduce cellulite - to some extent - in two weeks, go on holiday or attend that important event, and then continue your anti-cellulite regime for three months, for best results. And even after the three months, follow a healthy nutrition and exercise regime to prevent cellulite from coming back…

Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health

Dark chocolate, cocoa flavanols, cellulite and overall health

Dark chocolate is healthy, right? Dark chocolate has a reputation of being “healthy”, especially for the heart, and especially in relation to milk chocolate and white chocolate. Many of the clients that present at our clinic say that they consume dark chocolate regularly, since apparently it is “healthy” and it won’t affect cellulite. But does the hype stand to scrutiny? Here we present all the aspects of dark chocolate in relation to health and appearance…

Why gotu kola (centella asiatica) is the ultimate cellulite cream active

Why gotu kola (centella asiatica) is the ultimate cellulite cream active

After 20 years in anti-cellulite cream formulating, if I had to choose one anti-cellulite active ingredient that would be high-purity centella asiatica extract, i.e. one that contains 95%+ Asiatic Acid, Madecassic Acid, Asiaticoside and, if possible, Madecassoside. These four triterpenes are the active molecules that give gotu kola / centella asiatica its anti-cellulite (and anti-ageing) properties and are extensively researched for multi-functional action against all seven aspects of cellulite: skin laxity, water retention, fat accumulation, glycation, oxidative damage, inflammation and fibrosis…

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Stimulative vs destructive skin tightening treatments: what is best?

Exercise and general movement do lead to tighter skin and, as mentioned above, they are absolutely essential to maintain tight skin. However, exercise and healthy nutrition act very slowly in reversing skin laxity and can only go so far in tightening skin in specific areas or throughout the body. So, indeed you can tighten your skin with exercise but usually not enough and not fast enough. Hence the need for a good, strong skin tightening treatment, for faster, more pronounced results than from just exercise…

What to eat before and after a cavitation / RF treatment, for maximum results

What to eat before and after a cavitation / RF treatment, for maximum results

Did you know that you can maximise your cellulite treatment effectiveness, by eating healthily before and after your treatment? Indeed you can. Let’s see how that works and what foods are best/worst for this purpose….

Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?

Cellulite creams: should emphasis be placed on water retention, fat reduction, skin firming of fibrosis?

The four main visual aspects of cellulite are hypodermal fat accumulation, water retention/puffiness, skin looseness and fibrosis. Hypodermal fat accumulation combined with fibrosis is what makes fat globules protrude from the skin surface. Fat pushes up and fibrotic collagen fibres push down, resulting in the mattress effect. Water retention makes cellulite more visible by increasing volume in the hypodermis and dermis. Likewise, loose skin makes it easier for the fat globules to push up…

Is cellulite permanent? Is there any permanent treatment for cellulite?

Is cellulite permanent? Is there any permanent treatment for cellulite?

This is a common question many people ask about cellulite treatments or creams. Unfortunately, many people believe that by some kind of very expensive magic they can create permanence on their legs when nothing, absolutely nothing in the entire universe, life overall and human life is permanent…

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

Do ultrasonic waves break down fat and cellulite?

In the instant gratification world we live today in the West, where everything is instant and miraculous if you have money to pay for it, it seems that many people are obsessed in magically “breaking down” fat “forever”. And breaking down means zapping fat with a laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency device or mechanically breaking it with a therapist’s fingers or with a suction / vibration / shockwave machine, with the fat then evaporating into thin air forever so one can eat as much as much as they want from then on, without putting on any more fat or cellulite on their thighs, stomach etc.

Does spot fat reduction or spot cellulite reduction with exercise exist? Get the facts, not the hype.

Does spot fat reduction or spot cellulite reduction with exercise exist? Get the facts, not the hype.

Can I lose fat on a specific area with exercise?

  • Can I lose cellulite from my legs with exercise?

  • Can I tighten the skin of my legs with exercise?

At the time of updating this article (February 2022) there were about 3.7 million pages on Google dedicated to “cellulite exercises” and another 31 million pages on “how to lose fat from thighs with exercise”…

Green tea vs turmeric vs high flavanol cocoa for cellulite reduction and prevention

Green tea vs turmeric vs high flavanol cocoa for cellulite reduction and prevention

Most people looking into popular superfood ingredients, especially turmeric, matcha tea and cocoa, to help them detox their body, either from the festive excesses in the winter or to get ready for summer in the spring. Being big proponents of natural health and specifically polyphenol-rich herbs, we have looked into the benefits and nutrient content of each of these popular superfoods and has come to some interesting findings.

Can you get rid of cellulite?

Can you get rid of cellulite?

In most cases the phrase “to get rid of cellulite” means nothing. This is because established cellulite causes permanent changes in the connective tissue of the skin which cannot be completely eliminated, with any method. And that doesn’t just apply to advanced cellulite such as the one in the picture, but also to to quite light cellulite, which however, has been established for some time…

Caffeine, thermogenesis, weight loss and cellulite

Caffeine, thermogenesis, weight loss and cellulite

A study has recently reported that coffee could help you lose fat by kickstarting a process called thermogenesis in humans. Thermogenesis is basically the process of burning fat in one of two special types of fat tissue called ‘brown fat’ and ‘beige fat’. But what is brown fat and what in God’s name is beige fat? And did you know that there is also a thing called white fat?

The best skin tightening options for mild, medium and severe skin looseness

The best skin tightening options for mild, medium and severe skin looseness

There is a lot of misinformation and hype when it come to skin tightening. Especially for more severe skin looseness things are even more complicated, as there is the dilemma between surgery and non-surgical skin tightening and the inadvertent marketing hype, misleading claims and truth concealing for the pursuit of unethical profit. Here we examine this issue in detail based on science and 20 years of experience and present the best options for each case...

Are christensenella bacteria the secret to weight loss?

Are christensenella bacteria the secret to weight loss?

It is now well known that gut bacteria influence our body weight and that faecal transplants can turn lean individuals into obese or vice versa can save them from, otherwise, incurable obesity. Specifically, christensenella gut bacteria have been found to be more common in lean people than the overweight and obese and they are also highly inheritable from parent to child…