Menopause seems to affect women in multiple ways, none of which is good for cellulite. Firstly, collagen synthesis reduces with menopause, meaning a gradual collapse of the connective tissue which allows the hypodermal adipose globules to become more pronounced. The same effect leads to blood and lymphatic vessels weakening, leading to poorer circulation. Secondly, metabolism also reduces, allowing increased fat accumulation in the hypodermal adipose globules. This also makes cellulite more visible...
Why do skinny, young women (even models) get cellulite and skin looseness?
Cellulite/skin laxity are known to typically affect women after the age of 30 and become more pronounced by the age of 40 and 50. They also usually affect non-slim women, from curvy to overweight. In fact a research paper analysed here has explained how getting older and/or putting on weight in women but not in men leads to the development of cellulite - and loose skin. However, we also see young or skinny women who also suffer from cellulite / skin looseness. How is this possible?
"If you do any other exercise than Pilates you will inflame your body". Seriously?
A client asked me a few days ago if this “advice”, given to her by a complementary health practitioner, is true: “You should not do any other exercise than Pilates, otherwise you will inflame your body”. This, of course, is an absolutely preposterous statement which goes against all common sense. You can only imagine the millions of inflamed athletes - or just billions of inflamed active common people - since the dawn of humanity all the way until the 1920s, when Joseph Pilates developed a method of exercise that would not inflame the human body…
Can I reduce lipedema with RF, cavitation or RF microneedling?
This is a very valid question asked by so many people in the lipedema community. However, the fact of the matter is that there is no good non-surgical treatment - be it radiofrequency, ultrasound cavitation, acoustic wave therapy, RF microneedling, HIFU, massage, red/infrared light therapy or pressotherapy. None of those non-surgical techniques or any other reduces lipedema and currently the only good solution for lipedema is surgery. Sure, exercise and healthy nutrition…
Cost is not an issue, so can I get rid of my cellulite / tighten my skin in one session?
It may not be a common question but it is a common thought: “I can throw (tens of) thousands of pounds in an one-off (even very painful) cellulite / skin tightening treatment. Can I get results in one session and then get on with my billionaire / centi-millionaire / deca-millionaire life?” Well, the honest answer to this very question is: Nah, life doesn’t work like that. Your body needs regular and repeated stimulation (treatments) as well as time to change. Throwing tens of thousands at the problem cannot violate the laws of physics and biology to provide instant results…
Does alcohol cause cellulite?
Does cellulite go away when you lose weight?
Excess fat accumulation at the hypodermal level (fat in skin’s deeper layer) is the most important aspect of cellulite (with fibrosis, skin laxity and poor circulation being the other main aspects). When weight is lost, with diet and exercise, different types of body fat are reduced at different speeds…
How oxidative damage can cause cellulite
Oxidative damage is an important aspect of cellulite, with the other six being fibrosis, skin laxity, glycation, poor microcirculation, inflammation and superficial fat accumulation. Oxidative damage or free radical damage refers to cell damage by ‘reactive oxygen species’ (ROS) / free radicals, such as OO- (superoxide radical), -OH (hydroxyl radical) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)…
Monopolar vs bipolar: the pros and cons of each type of radiofrequency
A very common question we are asked at the clinic is what is the difference between unipolar, monopolar, bipolar and multipolar (i.e. tripolar, tetrapolar, octipolar) radio frequency? Which one is best for skin tightening and cellulite? On this article we examine the merits of bipolar vs monopolar RF and…
Carotenoids, skin and cellulite
Carotenoids, found in carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, seaweed (especially wakame), salmon and green leafy vegetables, among other foods, are important skin nutrients that help prevent UV damage, skin looseness and protect skin firmness and microcirculation. In this article we summarise the benefits of those nutrients and the foods that contain them.
The ideal cellulite reduction plan, without any cut corners or compromises, for maximum results
Here is the IDEAL cellulite removal plan, without any cut corners or compromises, i.e. where the usual time and money constraints are not issue. Most people only have two weeks left before their holidays to do something about cellulite, a limited budget (fair enough), limited time to receive treatments or to apply creams and no intention, energy or time to follow an exercise / healthy nutrition regime. But for those who have the time, money and energy, this is the best possible plan, without gimmicks or compromises.
Is radiofrequency treatment safe?
Radiofrequency treatment is based on electrically heating the skin and can be anything from extremely safe all the way to very unsafe (and with a lot of adverse reactions), depending on type of radiofrequency used, equipment and therapist experience/training. If the pain threshold rule is adhered, deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency provided in a continuous moving fashion, should be ~99.5% safe, or better…
How to choose the best RF cellulite/skin tightening treatment in your area
There are hundreds of radiofrequency machines on the market, for both home and professional use, and tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide offering it, with varying levels of knowledge, training and experience. Therefore the words ‘radio frequency treatment’ can mean anything and nothing. So not all radiofrequency treatments are the same: effectiveness can range from almost zero to impressive…
Which is the best cellulite cream?
Of all aesthetic conditions cellulite is the trickiest, the most “impossible” to treat with any method: diet, exercise, treatments or creams. Most other aesthetic conditions do not require the client to change their lifestyle much: if you don’t smoke and live generally healthy, you would expect very good results from a quality beauty treatment or cream without any other effort on your part…
Cellulite laser treatment: don't waste time, money and hopes, it doesn't work - learn why
There are three types of lasers used for cellulite and skin tightening: hot lasers, i.e. high energy lasers; cold lasers, i.e. low energy lasers and also known as low level laser therapy / LLLT; surgical/invasive lasers. Here we present an analysis of all three types of lasers used for cellulite removal and their effectiveness.
How long will results last after a course of skin tightening / cellulite treatments? What about maintenance treatments?
HIIT, uphill interval running and cellulite
Interval training is by far the best form of exercise for cellulite reduction and prevention. This is because during the bursts of high intensity activity you burn calories very fast - much faster than you would with slow intensity work. In addition, those bursts act as a shock on the endocrine system and boost your metabolism much more effectively than slow intensity exercise, so you continue to burn calories after your training session…
How long does RF skin tightening last?
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency is by far the best and safest cellulite reduction and skin tightening technology and typically can offer great results in 6-12 sessions. But do these results last for ever or would maintenance treatments be needed? This is one of the most common questions at the clinic so I will present the answers here in detail…
Can cavitation or radiofrequency make cellulite and skin firmness worse?
How to use Ultrasound Saturation Point (USP) for effective and safe cavitation treatments for cellulite
Deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency and deep-acting, high-power ultrasound cavitation are the two most effective SAFE technologies for cellulite reduction and skin tightening (far more effective and safe than e.g. RF microneedling or HIFU). Depth of treatment depends on the type of ultrasound or RF equipment you use, the settings you apply and even the contact medium you apply on the skin. Power depends on the equipment you use and the settings you apply…