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Can collagen increase the size of the buttocks?

Can collagen increase the size of the buttocks?

This is a question asked by a website reader a few days ago, meaning collagen supplements, and the quick and simple answer is an unequivocal: no, collagen cannot make your bum, breast or other body area bigger. After several months of use (not days or weeks), hydrolysed collagen supplements: help firm up skin (especially hydrolysed collagen type I and III); partially help prevent cellulite; help protect your joints from wear and tear (especially…

Can you take collagen and whey protein together?

Can you take collagen and whey protein together?

Whey protein powder (10-40g/day) is usually taken in combination with resistance exercise, as it has the exact aminoacid profile for this purpose. Hydrolysed collagen protein (5-20g/day) is usually taken to help support joints and maintain/boost skin firmness, sometimes in combination with radiofrequency treatment, as it has the exact aminoacid profile for this purpose (more glycine, proline and hydroxyproline). Hydroxyproline, specifically, is only found in skin / hydrolysed collagen protein…

When to have a course of cellulite / skin tightening treatments for maximum results before holidays

When to have a course of cellulite / skin tightening treatments for maximum results before holidays

If your cellulite treatment is a clay body wrap, lymphatic massage, mechanical massage with vacuum suction or anything similarly short-lasting, yes. Have the last session just 1-2 days before your holidays and hopefully that will last you up to one week into your holidays. However, if you are having a real cellulite / skin tightening treatment that aims for long-term results, such as deep-acting, high-power radiofrequency or high-power ultrasound cavitation, the best thing to do is finish your sessions about a month before your holidays or thereabouts…

Hydroxyproline: the ultimate skin tightening cream ingredient

Hydroxyproline: the ultimate skin tightening cream ingredient

Collagen is a protein that contains higher amounts of proline, glycine and hydroxyproline than other body proteins. Hydroxyproline, specifically, is only found in collagen in the body - nowhere else and it is THE most important aminoacid in that protein. Studies have shown that a hydroxyproline peptide stimulates collagen I and III synthesis, as well as elastin synthesis. In addition it inhibits collagen breakdown…

How anti-cellulite leggings / stockings undermine skin firmness

How anti-cellulite leggings / stockings undermine skin firmness

How can compression leggings / stockings affect skin firmness / tightness? Constant movement and vibration throughout the day provide mechanical stimulation to cell mechanosensitive receptors, which in turn stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis by your collagen cells (fibroblasts) in your skin and even by your fat cells (adipocytes)…

Cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments

Cellulite creams vs cellulite treatments

This is a common question we hear at the clinic. Cellulite creams are much more economical than treatments, so if they do work they make more sense, at least economically. On the other hand, many people do not believe that creams are even absorbed or they believe that their benefits are due to massaging the cream on the legs, two myths that we addressed in detail in previous articles. Of course a good cellulite cream is absorbed; and the effect of massaging the cream into the skin is negligible. On this article we are looking at the pros and cons of cellulite treatments vs cellulite creams.

Are radiofrequency / ultrasound safe for dark / black skin?

Are radiofrequency / ultrasound safe for dark / black skin?

Unlike lasers, which work by heating melanin or other chromophores (light absorbing chemicals or structures inside the skin), radiofrequency works with electricity and ultrasound works mechanically, with sound.. The electrical properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned or dark skinned people, so skin colour plays no role in radiofrequency treatment (RF is basically high frequency electrical currents). In much the same way, the mechanical (acoustic) properties of the skin are exactly the same in light skinned…

Do seed oils cause cellulite?

Do seed oils cause cellulite?

Seeds mainly contain omega-6 fatty acids (mainly linoleic acid), of which the Western diet already contains too much, tipping the omega-3 : omega-6 fatty acid balance from an ideal 1:4 to an excessive 1:20. Excess omega-6 fatty acid consumption is known to contribute towards low grade inflammation, which is a contributing factor to cellulite Furthermore, like all oils and fats, seed oils (sunflower oil, corn oil, soy bean oil, horrid cottonseed oil etc) carry…

Does radiofrequency treatment have anything to do with radiation or radioactivity?

Does radiofrequency treatment have anything to do with radiation or radioactivity?

The electrical currents used for aesthetic and physiotherapy radiofrequency treatments (300 kHz to 5 GHz) happen to fall within the so called "radio frequency spectrum", i.e. the frequencies used for radio communications (3 kHz to 300 GHz)…

Cellular senescence, due to high temperature cooking, causes skin aging and cellulite

Cellular senescence, due to high temperature cooking, causes skin aging and cellulite

Cigarette smoking and high temperature cooking of carbohydrates and fats leads to the creation of various chemicals detrimental to health, two of them being glyoxal and methylglyoxal (MGO). These chemicals eventually lead to the creation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs), which cause whole body ageing, whole body and facial skin ageing and cellulite…

Deep cellulite vs superficial cellulite

Deep cellulite vs superficial cellulite

Cellulite refers to fat pockets within the skin that are attached to and/or surrounded by fibrotic (hardened) collagen strands. The fat pocket tries to bulge out of the surface of the skin, while the collagen strand pulls the adjacent skin down. The combination creates the cellulite peaks (fat pocket makes skin “pop out”) and troughs (collagen strands keep skin down).

Cellulite can appear at three depths inside the skin:

  • At the dermal level (superficial cellulite)

  • At the hypodermal level (medium cellulite; most common cellulite)

  • And at the subcutaneous fat level (deep cellulite; not true cellulite)

We will look at each of them in detail…

Capacitive RF vs resistive RF treatment

Capacitive RF vs resistive RF treatment

There are many iterations of radiofrequency technology for aesthetic treatments, depending on how the technology is applied. So we may have bipolar vs monopolar RF, capacitive vs resistive, destructive vs stimulating, low frequency vs high frequency etc. In this article we are discussing the distinction between capacitive and resistive radio frequency and how it can affect the depth, quality and safety of treatment offered…

How can I tone my glutes without growing them?

How can I tone my glutes without growing them?

The gluteus maximus is a muscle which almost no man or woman can have enough of, simply because it makes the butt area look strong, beautifully curvy and sexy. However, some people would prefer to have just a toned butt but not too toned or big. How can one do that? It’s simple. Do lots of intensive resistance exercise two to three times a week, for several weeks. And when you reach the stage where your muscles don’t just tone but they start growing bigger, stop and switch to maintenance resistance training for that area, once every two weeks…

Avocados, avocado oil and cellulite

Avocados, avocado oil and cellulite

Avocados are fruits rich in fat and in fibre - they contain about 15% fat, with 10% being oleic acid, a monounsaturated, omega-9 fatty acid. Avocado oil, being a fatty extract of the avocados, contains 100% fat, of which about 70% is monounsaturated oleic acid. Monounsaturated fat is a neutral fat that, from a health point of view, can be consumed in high quantities without the negative aspects that too much omega-6 fat can have on…

Cellular senescence, skin ageing and cellulite

Cellular senescence, skin ageing and cellulite

Cellular senescence, literally meaning “cell aging”, is the process by which cells stop dividing and enter a senile stage characterised by dysfunction and the spreading of inflammation. Cellular senescence leads to the production of pro-inflammatory mediators that can spread inflammation to thousands of other cells in the vicinity of a group of senescent cells or even throughout the body. Cells normally enter cellular senescence after approximately 50 cell divisions (mitoses) and this normal process is known as "replicative senescence". When a cell enters senescence it is selected to be cleared by the immune system, in a process called senolysis…

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

The contraceptive pill and cellulite

Estrogen is the most important cause of cellulite. In fact it is the basis of cellulite. Without estrogen you may get weight gain and/or skin looseness, but you won’t cellulite - and that’s why men* don’t get cellulite. Yes, in addition to estrogen you do need to consume excess calories / eat unhealthily etc, but you need estrogen to turn those excess calories into…

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

Forskolin, lipolysis and cellulite creams

The natural lipolytic chemical forskolin was found in this study to release fat from fat cells, via significant cAMP production in fat cells. This study confirms that forskolin is clearly THE strongest natural lipolytic natural active and it is an ideal anti-cellulite…

Is BBL worth it?

Is BBL worth it?

In August 2018 another young woman died due to complications arising from the so-called “Brazilian butt lift” (BBL) cosmetic procedure. Leah Cambridge suffered three heart attacks caused by fat embolism, i.e. fat from the fat implant crossing into the blood vessels and blocking her heart arteries…

How to prevent cellulite and skin looseness

How to prevent cellulite and skin looseness

Cellulite and skin looseness are the result of age and/or an unhealthy cellulite. Both aesthetic concerns are interconnected and in most women they appear concurrently. Sometimes we see women (and some men) with a lot of cellulite and little skin looseness and vice versa, but usually there is a mix of both. And both of these issues appear gradually with age, which is absolutely normal. However, poor nutritional choices (too much sugar, carbs and fat and too little protein, vegetables, fruits and herbs), a sedentary lifestyle, as well as smoking and the contraceptive pill, greatly accelerate the appearance of cellulite and skin looseness…